Gaming > Video Games

I want a PS3


I was in Wal-Mart and they had Motorstorm on the demo machine. Oh man, it was great to play that game again. I really had forgotten how great that game is. I really want to get a PS3. Wyldwing, I hope you're going to hang onto Motorstorm so that I can play it against you online. I was thinking that once I get the system that I should get a split-screen-multiplayer racing game, but thinking more about it, but maybe I'll look for one of those after I get Motorstorm and Call of Duty 4.

I'll be keeping Motorstorm.

I love it.

My current love, however, is Soul Caliber IV.  Man...Ivy's tits look so REAL!

When's the new PS3 coming?

Oh yes! God of War is awesome.

I didn't know there was a new one coming. What's new about it?


--- Quote from: Wyldwing on August 15, 2008, 18:46:56 ---I'll be keeping Motorstorm.

I love it.

My current love, however, is Soul Caliber IV.  Man...Ivy's tits look so REAL!

When's the new PS3 coming?

Oh yes! God of War is awesome.

--- End quote ---

SCIV is great. I haven't been able to beat the apprentice yet though. and I have not tried the online yet.


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