Gaming > Table-top Games

Battlestar Galactica / Last Starfighter FASA Games


Thanks again, btw for the awesome games.  :D  I'm definately psyched about TLS.  I love the flight mechanics, and it looks like these ships actually have more guns than the BSG version. :)  I haven't looked at the 1-2 player one yet.

You're welcome. I'm definitely interested in checking out The Last Starfighter game and comparing it to BattleStar Galactica. (BSG is another game that in the past I've thought about trying to make a web version of.) Are there different factions in TLS, or is everyone the same kind of fighter?

Well, as any true fan of Last Starfighter could tell you... ::) ... the two factions are the Star League and the Ko'dan Armada.  Of course, I read that out of the instruction manual.  On preliminary inspection, there only appears to be one type of Star League ship (the last one), but with possibly different weapons loadouts.  The Ko'dan have two types: the regular fighter, and the swarm ships that come in groups, but can be destroyed in one hit.

I'll break this off into its own thread so we can keep discussing it, but I will say that the thought of you making the BSG game online was something I was thinking about too.  I don't know how much effort you've put into Scotland Yard so far, but if BSG might be something you'd prefer, I'd be willing to switch my incentive offer to that instead.  :)

The incentive offer is not necessary. A kind thought, but not necessary, especially since you already help keep the site alive with hosting and, if I remember correctly, part of the reason you did that was to make room for the online games.

I think that BSG/TLS would be harder to do though and although I haven't done any coding for Scotland Yard yet, I have been working on the flowcharts and layout design. I envision BSG/TLS needing to use some algebra for targetting that I'm familiar with but haven't used in a while so I'd rather stick with SY for now to get back into the swing of building a game system. This one is already going to be built quite a bit differently from the old Conquest game, regardless of if I get into Flash with it. 

Incentive was the wrong word, and I apologize for throwing that in there.  I made an offer for a job, you accepted the offer, and I fully intend to follow through.  You have plenty of things to keep you busy during the day.  I made the "incentive" comment as more of a justification for spending time on the project.


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