Gaming > Table-top Games


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She actually did surprise me this evening. She came home and said, "I have enough money available on my credit card so we can go out to eat." I had told her a couple months back that I really wanted to go to Carrabba's on my birthday - that's my favorite restaurant to eat at. After everything that happened yesterday, I didn't think that was even going to be possible, since she had pulled all the money out of savings to go get the cat checked out and get some anti-depression medication for our cat. Since I've been keeping up on the bills though, she did manage to have some money available on her credit card so we could go out. I know... in some ways it felt a bit crazy to go out splurging on a meal, but since that was the birthday present that I was given, I decided to take it.

In any case... I will get Dominion eventually, even if it is buying it for myself as a Hanukkah gift. ;)

Anti-depression medicine...for a CAT?   ???  Wow....I can't say I'd ever spend money on that!  I value other things far more than my cat's happiness.  You're not worried that it's going to jump out in front of a dog someday and end it all, are you?

Anyway, I'm glad you found the money to go to Carrabas.  Wendy and I enjoy that too.  Typically we sit up at the grill area so we can watch them cook and we'll share the fried mozzarella and then share an entrée.  Typically we get water as well, so the evening is quite reasonable.

I think that's what it was... although I'm not certain what the medication was, but yes, it was something because the cat wasn't acting herself.

We like sitting up at the grill at Carrabba's too! Actually, for the last 3 or 4 times that we've gone there we've sat at up at the grill area. Very cool seeing the chefs flip stuff around. Plus, we've even gotten some great samples that way.  ;D

Tonight my wife went out after checking our bills. She also mentioned something about getting some other money... not sure where that came from, but I heard her say that she might be gone for a while.... maybe I'll have a new game this evening.  :)

I'm hoping that I'll get a chance to break out my copy of Dominion again soon. I was very excited about getting it for my birthday because I thought for sure that it was a game that was fun and short enough that my wife would be interested in playing more often. Unfortunately, so far I've only been able to play one game of it with her. The last time that I asked her about playing it with me she said, "Not when you ask at 10 o'clock at night," then she proceeded to stay up for another hour on Facebook. I'm hoping that this Sunday afternoon, while we're at a pizza & games party with some friends, I'll get to introduce them to Dominion.

Come over pal.  I'll ensure it gets played!!

For one thing, Wendy and I BOTH love it.


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