Author Topic: motors  (Read 7097 times)


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« on: February 03, 2011, 22:59:33 »
Thought i would give people something to talk about.

 I see people some times saying they up the motors in there little cars.  For the tyco cars, What type of motors can you up it to. How do you find the size?
 And what about the gear on the motor?

How do you figure out what you can use.

How long does it take gold to form?

Can you up the battery aswell? shiboink

what what whats good?  I'm being sued by Rolex, go figure lol.

took me over 20 minutes to write this lol  Damn ADD!!!


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Re: motors
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2011, 11:00:38 »
How long does it take gold to form?

what what whats good?  I'm being sued by Rolex, go figure lol.

took me over 20 minutes to write this lol  Damn ADD!!!


Keep in mind when switching motor's, that the stock speed control are made just hardly strong enough for the stock motor. So when you put in a stronger motor, the stock speed control will over heat and burn out, or just not provide enough current and be just as slow if not slower.
You'll need to convert over to a hobby grade ESC, and receiver and servo and transmitter.  
And then cross your fingers that the gears don't turn to soup.


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Re: motors
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 17:04:19 »
thanks for the information, very good to know about these things.   can you explain alittle more about the speed control and the hobby grade esc's?  light what power ratings the highest and lowest esc can have an how they work and function and such?

maybe if i can find one super cheap off ebay i can take it apart see how it works


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Re: motors
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2011, 10:57:27 »
thanks for the information, very good to know about these things.  Can you explain alittle more about the speed control and the hobby grade esc's?  light what power ratings the highest and lowest esc can have an how they work and function and such?

maybe if i can find one super cheap off ebay i can take it apart see how it works

Well, for example here is what I did. When Radio Shack had the Pro-Pulse R/C's on clearance I went around to all my local stores and bought them up for cheap. I'd ask the manager for open box, defective, & returned ones and buy those even cheaper yet. The aluminum oil shocks, twin motor kit's & wheel/tire kits were down to $1.99, so I grabbed all them to. The pro-pulse have hobby grade electronics in them, a little on the cheap side, but still hobby grade and still many times better then what Tyco put in there stuff.
They are 1/18th scale IIRC, so the parts work great in the tyco's (10th scale will fit to). I think the motor's are physically smaller then what tyco's use, but the rest work out good.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:05:17 by jeffescortlx »


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Re: motors
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2011, 11:00:58 »
So now you have a digital proportional transmitter, receiver, ESC (electronic speed control) and servo to transplant. I have used 1/10 scale servos, there larger, (basicly the same size as the tyco one) stronger and cheap to find at the local hobby shop. But you can can use the pro-pulse one if you want.

As far as the motor, take it out and bring it with you to your local hobby store. Ask for a mild motor of the same size (380?). Also have them try to match up the pinion gear. The factory tyco gear will be pressed on, the new gear will be held on by a allen head set screw. The tyco gear can be removed, but it's possible to damage the old motor and new motor if your not care full. Dont buy too crazy of a motor, the gears have enough trouble with the stock motor.
Most ESC, even ones for 1/18th scale should beable to handle any motor you can find in a 380. You'll strip out gears before you wreck a hobby grade ESC.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:03:45 by jeffescortlx »


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Re: motors
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2011, 12:10:59 »
The next hardest step is mouting the servo and running the linkage. While your at the hobby store you may need to buy some universal adjustable links (if they are cup and ball style dont forget to buy the ball ends for both the knuckle and servo saver)
You may be able to reuse the tyco steering linkage, but that is only if you can get the new servo output to fit in the same spot as the factoy one, with the linkage holes in the same spot to keep the tires aligned.

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: motors
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2011, 17:45:08 »
Best thing to do is convert it over to a hobby car and use the stock motor until its worn out.

I put hobby electronics in a 7.2 outlaw pickup and with the stock motor its faster than any 9.6v turbo tyco.

If you can handle the speed after the hobby electronics then up the voltage and and watch it gain 5mph+

Really anything after this and your just gonna destroy the gears, if not immediately then after several runs.

I will be having gears machined for the bandit/hopper chassis so I can make a true high speed tyco that will handle all the power and do a realistic 50mph+ with the suspension and steering worked right. You would be surprised how fast even 30mph is with one of these cars
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Re: motors
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 16:08:20 »

I will be having gears machined for the bandit/hopper chassis
If we had a drool smily I'd use it here.
Might as well have them make a few extra sets!

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: motors
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2011, 18:03:29 »
I will be talking with the machinist this week about getting gears made. All I really need is a donor rear end that I can give to him with all the gears. Once the first set is made I can have more sets made easily.
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Re: motors
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2011, 22:32:28 »
Do you want a solid rear axel or no? And do you need good gears?
"If there are no such things as stupid questions than what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they suddenly become smart right before they are about to ask a question?"

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: motors
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2011, 15:33:36 »
Since most cars have solid axle im gonna have those gears made. As long as the gear isnt completely stripped out it will be fine. Just needs to have teeth on it to be measured
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Re: motors
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2011, 19:03:27 »
I have a solid rear from a wild thing that I have plans to make a wild thing bandit from.  Would that be okay?

You should get gears made for the 4x4 bandit to upgrade it to what it should be.
"If there are no such things as stupid questions than what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they suddenly become smart right before they are about to ask a question?"


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Re: motors
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2011, 13:28:31 »
instead of bandit gears you should consider the eliminator gears, theres alot more potential for them in hobby graded stuff, the hobby graded motors and esc in a bandit geared is gonna go fast no doubt, but since the gears are of a lower and mesh just a bit different theyre noisier and have everything inside the diff spins that much faster, and really the hobby motors dont really need the help of a lower gear to get things going, the eliminator gears i think make alot better set up for hobby grading, altho i may have another opinion once i swap the eliminator dif out of the hobby raded bandit and try out a bandit dif.

man i dont know why i havent thought of this before, but my brother runs a cnc machine at a machine shop which has numerous types of machines, i may have him talk to the guys at his job and see how hard it would be to do a set up and run a a few sets to try out
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck


Tyco Bandit King

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Re: motors
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2011, 14:47:53 »
The wild thing has the same quite longer gears as the eliminator so they would work the same.

After this guy makes the bandit/hopper/eliminator gears ill have him make gears for the turbo 4wd setup.

Next in line will be getting someone to reproduce the tires since they are all now 17+ years old
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