Author Topic: new to your forum but not tycos!  (Read 4753 times)


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new to your forum but not tycos!
« on: January 13, 2012, 20:32:17 »
hello, first post.  went searching for old tyco info came upon this place.  good to see the enthusiasm for the ol classics.  ive had a few turbo hoppers and super hoppers over the years.  great over the counter cars that just dont exist anymore.  such a shame.  man im old.  

well i was searching for any info on my little stuntster rebound.  i was surprised to come up empty handed on my first go through here.  ill look further of course.  i used to have a 6.0 rebound way back when but my dog had her way with it, lol.  bought this stuntster awhile back and was just dusting it off.  think it would be cool to upgrade it if possible.  like brushless and lipo.  just seeing whats been done or if anyone else even remembers these lil guys.  

*edit  i just got some new batteries and charged it up.  it ran just like i remember.  its had to have been 5 years since i messed with it!  ill leave it be in its original state, its too nice to hack up.   i noticed theres a range of rebound sizes, i might have to track down the others now.   i always liked these tank steer 4wd's.  theyre like little robots.  great for harassing pets.  

heres some pics:

« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 18:10:35 by stussels »


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Re: new to your forum but not tycos!
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 03:17:10 »
welcome Ive had a rebound and a mini rebound but never seen one those tiny lil guys pretty cool i must say,,the rebound line is popular with the animals lol,,they can get a hold of the tires easily and they just keep going which most animals dont like at all lol
Hit it Mr.butters!!!


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Re: new to your forum but not tycos!
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 11:29:40 »
yeah, getting ahold of the tires was the rebounds achilles heel vs. my dog.  once she found that weakness she exploited it till the tires were shreds.  ah well was good times.  seems after searching around on here, youtube, and just the interwebz in general turned up very little on this stuntster rebound.  i know the later mattel branded tycos arent very popular because most were junk or gimmicky compared to the originals but this rebound stays true to the original.  be good for a spycam if it had more range.  seems to be about 15-20' tops.  my camera sucks for video but maybe ill make a short vid of it in action!


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Re: new to your forum but not tycos!
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 22:18:23 »
Your going to learn some new interesting thngs about tycos here.


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Re: new to your forum but not tycos!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 01:14:12 »
well ive been through a couple of tyco phases, so im not exactly new to em.  ive had em since turbo hoppers were new at kb toys and such.  ive had tyco and taiyo saved to my favorite ebay searches.  i scoured them daily for a couple of years just reminiscing over the old tycos and all their variations.  

i bought a few to run and some boxed just to have.  but prices got out of my league so now i just watch and admire.   i remember coming across this dragons sight in maybe 03 or so and it having a different look then. ;D  

my last real nice boxed super turbo hopper i sold to a good friend for his collection of tycos.  i need to get with him and set em up for a photo shoot for on here.  its a pretty good assembly of tycos i think yall would appreciate.  great to see a dedicated forum for tycos though.    

still hard to believe how little info on the net for this rebound there is though.  not even an old commercial on youtube >:(
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 01:29:23 by stussels »


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Re: new to your forum but not tycos!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2012, 14:26:36 »
that stun one you have isn't old so none of us really pay too much attention to it. now if it were the 6.0v people would have more info for you
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Re: new to your forum but not tycos!
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 14:45:24 »
yeah i know its more of the taiyo cars here.  just thought id throw it in there for the rebound fans or see if anyone else had one.  still hard to believe theres not more about it on the net somewhere... ???