Gaming > Video Games

Best Online PS3 Games

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I already know Wyldwing has reminded us that "online play is overrated," but I'm still looking for one. My brother, Tim (aka Derelicte), already has a PS3 had has played GTA 4 to death so he's ready to find something new. I was looking at some game reviews on GameSpot and I couldn't help but notice the awesome graphics on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. If you haven't seen them, check this out:

(More at;thumb;1)

Anyway, Tim says that he wants to get a new game when I get my PS3 that we can play online together. Something new (because he doesn't want to get completely destroyed online by someone who has been playing the game forever), so I'm thinking it needs to be a 2009 release.

Because of that requirement, I'm wondering if anyone here has played KillZone 2? The review on GameSpot said this: "PlayStation 3 owners looking for a shooter to keep them busy for the rest of 2009 and beyond need look no further: The fierce action will keep you glued to your television screen for some time to come." However, I've looked at the screenshots and it all seems very dark (tough to make out details of anything). Modern Warfare 2 [sans the Call of Duty moniker] is expected out in the fall. I'm thinking that might be the best choice... wait for Modern Warfare 2.

What do you think?

By the way... I still don't have a PS3 yet... but I'm getting one soon.

Yeah right....soon meaning before 2010?

Before my next birthday.

Those graphics are awesome. I've heard a lot of people talk about that game. Bet it's good. But definitely wanna get something when it first comes out.

I'd tell you to get GTA 4 but you wouldn't want to play online against me. LOL
GTA 4 isn't a flawless game, though. Has some online glitches that bug me.

I think your placing too much emphasis on getting a 'new' game. Anyone that plays shooters for years will be able to mop the floor with someone who has not. Even on the first day it comes out.
I would invest in a game that has elements that you both like, either guns or swords and spells, 1940 or 2009. Once you have the setting you like, find a game that has good reviews and go for it.
I think KillZone would be a severe let down at first, just the few words you said about it from the review give me the impression that if you are a first person junkie, you'll like killing everyone in this game.
Just my thoughts on the issue.

Oh, and Dragon, 'better make sure you get that honey dew list done, I'm sure the reward will be attained a lot sooner.'




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