Author Topic: Rant: Why is it so much more expensive to eat healthy?!  (Read 3710 times)


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Rant: Why is it so much more expensive to eat healthy?!
« on: December 07, 2010, 09:58:04 »
Ok...with the current social battle America is currently in against against obesity, cancer, etc...I decided to look closely at the dynamics of "eating/getting healthy".

- It is far more expensive to "eat healthy" than it is to eat crappy. IE: I feed my family of 4 a small piece of farmed tilapia (And by the way, NOTHING FISH FARMED IS HEALTHY) with some broccolli and tea or water to drink. That is considered (caloric and nutrition) a complete meal. BUT it costs almost 3x as much as some meals from Mc D's!!!

- Organic Free Range chicken breasts....$6.89/pd!??!?! WTF?! I grew up in PuertoRico...chickens feed and fend for themselves (we did help out with corn meal for feed)...they cost nothing if they are truly "free range". So why is that healthy chicken more expensive then the chicken breast that is packaged in sodium and pumped full of steroids & anti-biotics?

I think something fishy is going on in an industry that WANTS to say "eat healthy" but denies any cost concious family the luxury. I think it's the insurance industry!!
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