Author Topic: Clearwater 2 day event - It was FUN!  (Read 3680 times)


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Clearwater 2 day event - It was FUN!
« on: January 24, 2010, 19:37:13 »
The day started a little later than I wanted to (12:45) but it wasn't all that bad.  As I waited for Chris to arrive, I popped in Vanilla Sky and started watching it with director's commentary.  Chris arrived and offhand mentioned the Arkham Asylum Batman demo...which I've played (and enjoyed) on the PS3.  I mentioned Dante's Inferno and invited Chris to play the DEMO, which he did.  I think he enjoyed it, but his quote was "That is a game I think I'd like to watch while someone else plays it".  The graphics are simply STUNNING as the 9 circles of hell are rendered incredibly...

After that we decided to play a new game board of Power Grid to kick off the weekend.  The board for Portugal/Spain with it's section of ???no nukes??? area intrigued me and Chris agreed to play on that board.  It was a nice game of back and forth with me attempting to cause Chris grief by causing an oil shortage, with him just deftly stepping aside and purchasing a replacement plant so that my shortage didn't inconvenience him at all!  In the end, we could power the exact same amount of cities, but having more cash in the end gave me the victory!!

From there we decided to play St. Petersburg.  It was a very cool game with me being a bit rusty and making a few poor choice.  Chris made some very good moves and utilized the pub brilliantly and came up with 10 unique nobles which was enough to win the game by...3 points!!! VERY nice finish.

From there Chris brought out Galaxy Trucker.  Don't know why, but the pressure of time and trying to make the best ship gets to me and I never do a good job of it.  Well...last night was the exception!  I made it to port on EVER SINGLE trip.  On my first trip, however, I had a horrible meteor strike that took off ½ my ship.  Good thing I had the Max 8 cent insurance policy!!!  I lost that game by...3 points.

We played pirateer and gammon over dinner at KFC, I believe Chris won at gammon and we traded games of Pirateer...

We decided it was time to relax for the evening and watch ???Class of 1984??? which is a violent movie about a School teacher that goes into a really tough school and has run-ins with the students of a gang there.  VERY cool.  Not sure what Chris' thoughts were.

RING....RING...who the heck is calling at 6:57am???  ???Hullo...????  It was Mac.  He had just dropped his cousin at the airport and was ready to come over.  I said, we'll be ready for your and got Chris up and hopped in the shower.  We had enough time to grab breakfast before Mac showed up at the front door.

We spent 2.5 hours reading through the instructions and learning to play Twilight Imperium and then we played until 3pm when my victory was imminent and we had to break up the party.  As that game is Chris' game, I'll allow him to post about that...but it was fun.  I would like to play it again!!


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Re: Clearwater 2 day event - It was FUN!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 08:41:38 »
Well, I spent about 7 hours reading the instructions the 2 days before, and 2 1/2 hours going through the "basics" with the guys.

It's a fun game, but just a lot of things to keep in mind when you're trying to play and instruct at the same time.  I am not a good multi-tasker, and I did snap a few times at the guys.  Sorry again for letting the frustration of that get to me. Since I'm at work, I can't really get into full details of the game now, I'll just say it was cool that Wylders seemed to have the most fun given he has traditionally been the biggest supporter of shorter games in the group.

Given the fact that I recently talked Dragon into trying the Arkham Asylum demo, bringing that up makes me sound like I have stock in the company or something.  DI does look good.  I'm not really a button masher fan, but it was definately interesting.

I was super excited to win St. Petersberg.  I never figured that would happen, and I almost sabotaged myself in the last round when I bought too many green worker cards for negative profit.

Thanks for the great weekend, Wylders.   I still owe you a Taco Bell lunch.
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Re: Clearwater 2 day event - It was FUN!
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 10:15:49 »
Wow! That's a long time to spend on the rules... but it is a HUGE game. I've spent quite a while on game rules before, but I don't think it was ever that long.

Thanks for posting about your weekend. It sounds like it was fun. I had a pretty good weekend too... at least based on how I felt in the end and although I do regret that I missed playing TI with you, I am very glad that I spent Sunday visiting with my mom.
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