Author Topic: Bootleggers - Second Session  (Read 3779 times)


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Bootleggers - Second Session
« on: July 06, 2009, 11:47:11 »
It's been a few days since the actual event, but I'm going to try to recap it because it was such a fun game.

(Bootleggers is available from Funagain Games for $12.00 right now!)

On Thursday night we, Kevin, Jacob, Lazer, and me, played Bootleggers for the second time. We planned ahead of time to play a full length game (12 rounds). One cool thing about playing the full game, as opposed to the short game, is that you get 3 more muscle cards. With those extra muscle cards, you have a lot more choices early in the game. For our Thursday night game, the extra Muscle allowed me to hit hard when I needed to so that I could get some key Men of Action cards. I never had to use my weakest Muscle cards.

This second game we got right into influencing the Speakeasies so that we could sell our whiskey at higher rates. Jacob and I fought over a mid-level Speakeasy for a while and he even put a Hit on one of my guys. Soon after that Kevin came in and became a bigger threat to Jacob. Kevin also took over a smaller Speakeasy completely, so he had no problem finding a good place to sell his product, however, he had a price on his head at that point.

I picked up a couple good Men of Action cards which helped me get paid quite a bit. First, Lazer paid me $5G to play a Mob War on Jacob. On top of the $5G cash,  he promised to give me all his crates and a free rental of his truck during that turn. It worked out great for me since I wanted Jacob out of the area that I was in anyway and Lazer had a double improved Still. Later, a card motivated Jacob to pay me off. He gave me $10G to steal the cargo from Kevin's truck. I took the payment, paid Kevin for a few extra crates that he wasn't going to be able to carry on his truck and then when he shipped out his goods (knowing he was going to be robbed, he decided to only ship out 1, even though he could have shipped out 4) I stole the goods. Lazer immediately capitalized on the opportunity since he had a card that allowed him to steal an empty truck.

Lazer quickly started making some big money since he had the most influence in the largest Speakeasy, so Jacob led the plot against him, encouraging me and Kevin to get some influence in there with the Men of Action cards that were available that round. Unfortunately our plans were thwarted when Lazer had the second strongest Muscle in the round so we missed out on a Men of Action card that was key to our plan. Fortunately for me, the attention that Lazer was bringing himself got the focus off me. At the end of round 8, I had $101G, for the win! Lazer had only $40G.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 18:27:20 by Dragon »
"Hello IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again? ... OK, well, the button on the side. Is it glowing?... Yeah, you need to turn it on. Err, the button turns it on. Yeah, you do know how a button works, don't you? No, not on clothes." - Roy (The IT Crowd)