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Tyco RC / Re: Tyco Bandit or Eliminator
« Last post by czstycor/c on October 18, 2022, 20:37:20 »
Did you find one?
Table-top Games / Re: The Settlers Of Catan Card Game
« Last post by Dragon on October 03, 2022, 22:10:47 »
Yesterday, Beth and I played The Settlers Of Catan Card Game again. Similar to last time, Beth got a City before I did. It actually took a while for me to get my 3rd Victory Point, but I did have some pretty good expansion buildings in my settlements by then. Later I was able to make a quick Road+Settlement build and managed to get the last available Settlement. Beth still had more land all together, but once I was able to get the Mint, along with the two Gold spots, I was able to come back quickly. I got the Commerce token, but never had a single Knight. The end game was very close. I won, with 12-points, and Beth had 11-points.
Table-top Games / Robo Rally
« Last post by Dragon on September 28, 2022, 22:49:34 »
Robo Rally is one of my favorites, but I haven't played it in a while. The day after my birthday, 2022-09-17, we finally got it out again. This time I played against Isaac, Beth, and Grace.

We started off the race with everyone making straight forward moves to begin with, but in Turn 2 we had some confusion happening already. Beth got mixed up a bit with the directions. As the rest of us were heading toward Flag 1, Beth was getting her directions straightened out... some. I managed to be the first to Flag 1, with Isaac and Grace close behind. As Grace got stuck on a wall, Isaac passed her on the way to Flag 2 and got close to where I was at. I managed to stay ahead of Isaac around Flag 2, but on my way to Flag 3 I took a lot of damage, getting shot by Isaac and Grace quite a bit. I had picked up a Powerdown Shield, and I felt like I had a good lead since Isaac still needed to to touch Flag 2, so I decided to shutdown to have better control to get to the final flag. Unfortunately for me, Isaac got to Flag 2 and took a different path toward the 3rd and final flag which got him closer to Flag 3 than I expected while I was shutdown. Two more turns was all it took for Isaac to reach the final flag to win the game.

Grace was having fun and begged to keep playing for second place, so we decided to continue a little longer. I got to the finish in the next turn while Grace was still around Flag 2. Beth still hadn't gotten to Flag 1 yet, but she was getting close by then. She mentioned that people who can visualize things in their heads will have a much easier time in this game. 
Blogs / Happy Forty-Eye-Tis Birthday
« Last post by Dragon on September 13, 2022, 22:02:10 »
Well... I finally got reading glasses, the week of my birthday. I guess I've probably been needing them, at least a little bit, for a while now. It's not that big of a deal for me. I can still see fine at a distance. The eye doctor says I still have better than 20/20 vision, it's just my close range vision is declining some. After explaining that sometimes I have to hold things out at arms length to read it, he said, "Ah, yes. You have forty-eye-tis. Your eyes stop being as quick to adjust after forty." I asked the eye doctor about getting those reading glasses that they sell in the pharmacy and he mentioned that it would probably be fine for me to just get the +125 glasses there, which is what he wrote on my prescription for glasses. He said I don't need bifocals, considering I'm sitting at a computer all day. I'll just need them for reading up close, not anything else. When I looked in the Pharmacy section it looked like they had the Blue Filtering lenses with +1.25, so I'm guessing that's the same thing that the doctor mentioned, and I figured with the blue light that comes from the computer screen, that's probably best for me. I'm used to wearing sunglasses outside all the time anyway, this is just a little different visually, but having them on doesn't feel weird. I'm also thankful that my eyesight is still this good, which especially considering my career, could have had me in glasses a decade earlier. I mentioned it to some people I work with and my manager said, "I just keep get bigger monitors."
General Discussions / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« Last post by Dragon on September 12, 2022, 20:32:04 »
Universal plate/picture stand
by DanRom624 September 09, 2019

Mini Ionic Column - Tiny Object Display Podium
by ThreeDeeJon August 18, 2022
General Discussions / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« Last post by Dragon on September 08, 2022, 20:24:28 »
Just so all the other coaster holders aren't forgotten... here is my list of runners-up: - Coaster Holder
by becka October 06, 2017 - Alien Coaster Holder
by ThePresident July 10, 2017 - Aperture Hex Coaster
by ThatEngineeringGuy September 30, 2021 - Hexy Coaster Holder
by 3D_Dynamics June 12, 2020 - Drink Coaster Holder
by shults07 January 01, 2019 ... THIS IS THE ONE I ALMOST PRINTED - 3 1/2" Floppy Coaster Holder
by mrhaley623 November 19, 2015 - Coaster Set
by ZenLightN February 10, 2021 - Coaster Holder
by septemma April 30, 2019 ... This is a simple yet effective looking one. - Glacial Coaster Holder
by terrabruder January 05, 2015
General Discussions / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« Last post by Dragon on September 07, 2022, 13:12:33 »
Last night I was looking through a bunch of coaster holder models on thingiverse last night, wanting to get my disorganized pile of coasters into a nice place. I came across this Castle style Coaster Holder.

I modified it in the preview window just a bit before printing, increasing the size to 125mm across because some of my coasters are a little bigger than others and I didn't want any getting stuck, and printed it using only 5% infill. It turned out great. :) 
Rival Troops / Re: Self-Publishing via The Game Crafter
« Last post by Dragon on August 31, 2022, 01:21:28 »
I created a pitch sheet for Rival Troops. Please let me know what you think.
Table-top Games / Re: Ostia - The Harbor of Rome
« Last post by Dragon on August 28, 2022, 20:06:33 »
Ostia has been a surprise favorite for us recently. We played the game 3 times within the past month, which is noteworthy because we have so many different games that we could choose from that many times we play a game once in a while and then pick something else even if we enjoy the game. This month though... this game really clicked. When we played earlier in the month, Beth and Isaac enjoyed the game enough to play immediately after the first time.

The first game on August 13th, Isaac won with 15 points, while Beth and I tied at 13. We played this first game without Ivory, which is suggested for first-time-players, figuring it had been long enough since our last time to make it almost like our first time. The second game on August 13th, Isaac and Beth tied with 14 points and I got 12. We played the second game with Ivory and prices were higher since we understood payout better. The final round was so close, with all of us making good use of our situations to make the most of where we knew we could each benefit. The game played quickly, but unfortunately we didn't realize what the tie-breaker was before discarding the cards. We think it may have been Beth, but Isaac had just grabbed a few cards and compared them saying that Beth might have won in the tie-breaker because they both had the same number of storehouses at the end.

When playing today, I decided to use poker chips in place of the paper money that came with the game. The paper money in this game sticks together so much that it's very annoying to pick up and move around, and as we've experienced with other games, having coins or poker chips just seem to give a better playing experience. Since I have a set of poker chips with 4 colors, I used the chips for 1, 2, 5, and 10 Denarii by setting 1 chip on a piece of the paper money that it was replacing, while continuing to use the paper 20 Denarii when it was needed. 

Today, once again our scores were close and I tend to think that it might be necessary that they have the tie-breaker rules as often as it has come up with as few times as we've played the game. In the end, Beth and I both had 15 points, while Isaac ended the game with 14 points. I won the tie-breaker, since I had 3 storehouses and Beth only had 2. I thought at first that the goods were the factor in the tie-breaker, but once again we had forgotten and had discarded our cards before determine the final score before realizing the storehouses were checked first. Still an enjoyable game that I hope we remember to bring to the table more often in the future. 

Table-top Games / WarCraft: The Board Game
« Last post by Dragon on August 28, 2022, 19:22:34 »
WarCraft: The Board Game is surprisingly almost 20 years old. The game was released in 2003 and it was one that I purchased soon after it was released. It has the artwork based on WarCraft III, which was the current video game in the series at the time of release. The board game has a modular board, which was made up of various clusters as small as 2 and as large as 5 hexagon spaces together. The spaces have forests, gold mines, and town buildings pictured on them. The game could be played with 2-4 players, with different maps that could be setup based on scenarios in the book, or whatever else the players came up with. Players collect resources, build up their towns and armies, upgrading them as they go, and head into battle hoping to capture their opponents town or get enough Victory Points from upgrades and important locations on the board. The game can end by getting 15 victory points in the standard game, which requires maxing out your upgrades on your combat units and/or getting "Experience Point" cards from battles, some of which have Victory Points on them.

I had played WarCraft: The Board Game with my son, Isaac, years ago, but after one play he wasn't interested in trying again for a while because it took nearly 4 hours. Normally the game play is about about 60 to 90 minutes. I had played it against some other people also, and although I enjoyed how the game worked, I wasn't able to get it out a lot. I did print off some helper sheets years ago. I also got extra dice that matched the colors of each army in the game, red, blue, purple, and green, which I think was a nice addition to the game because the game originally came with just 4 small white dice - they just totally felt like they were meant to be replaced.

Before Isaac went off to college, we were talking about some of the games he was interested in playing that he hadn't in a while and WarCraft was one that he mentioned. Last night, after he came home for a weekend visit, he agreed to play and we went to battle with the Orcs vs. the Undead. Fortunately I had a little time to re-read some of the rules while he was out with his mom, and we had about a 15 minute overview of how the game work once he sat down to play. Early in the game, he had pushed his Workers out to a forest space that was near the center of the board and I immediately played a "Fast" card and moved my Melee units out to the space to destroy them. We had a close battle soon after that, in which I used Devour to take out one of this Melee units at the start and I got lucky when he was hit, played a couple "Curse" cards, and failed to save himself from getting killed. We both had Outposts near the center of the board by that time and soon after that I went after his and destroyed it. Isaac lost more undefended Workers and more units in some other battles as I continued to Upgrade my units, build up my Town, and continue marching my troops toward his base. I captured his Town about 75 minutes after we started playing, which seemed like a reasonable timeframe for our first time playing the game in many years, but most importantly, Isaac enjoyed the game even though he lost. He said that he knows where he made his mistakes and definitely wants to play it again. 

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