yeah lol i guess you cant blame a guy for trying,,alot of people i try and buy from don't get the fact that that tyco made the full size 9.6v turbo models (that most want and bring the money) and the 4aa mini version and a 2aa micro version of alot of them including the bandit,eliminator,blaster,fast traxx etc. which are neat to have but just don't comand the coin the 9.6v turbo's do,,,and maaaaaaan i couldn't agree more they lost me once they started with the pop up spitting snakes and dinosaurs etc.,,hell even with the stuff they sell nowadays even my kids ask me who in the world wants to play with a remote control spider or any other insect and there only 9 and 7 lol,,they like cars to be cars and trucks to be trucks and just be fast do wheelies,donuts and jump stuff that's it