Since playing Conquest Of The Empire has become an annual event at my house, I hope that I can rejuvenate the interest in playing Conquest Online, my online version of my favorite board game... I know that there are things that need to be fixed in this online version, things that have been neglected for years, but if there is enough interest in the game, I will find some time to fix up those issues.
By the way, I've noticed that in recent years, there has been an increase in sites that support various online "tabletop" gaming. Doing a quick Google search brings up several websites and apps that are available for playing some of the most popular board games, and I'm not referring to Monopoly and Sorry... I'm talking about the ones that are popular with experienced board game players and collectors. Unfortunately, my Conquest game isn't as fancy and flashy as some of those out there, but it's functional, and honestly, I've seen worse before.