Author Topic: tyco transmitter antennas and battery covers  (Read 4754 times)


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tyco transmitter antennas and battery covers
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:13:59 »
does anyone know of a replacement for the telescoping antennas for the tyco remotes?  there has to be an aftermarket one out there somewhere that fits?

for example, would these work?

or these?

what about battery covers for remotes or cars?  did anyone ever get those made?  i know people on here were pondering trying to get a company to make replacements?

same with gears?  did that ever get anywhere?

i have so many of these cars and would love to restore them all to their former glory!


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Re: tyco transmitter antennas and battery covers
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 14:15:41 »
tyco antennas are female ended, so neither one of those would work
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Re: tyco transmitter antennas and battery covers
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 17:41:20 »
thanks.  how about this one then?

anyone know of a place that sells replacements or an ebay listing with compatible replacements? 

or does anyone have a supply of spare antennas they would like to sell or trade?  i have a boatload of vintage tyco cars, parts, catalogs, etc I can trade for.



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Re: tyco transmitter antennas and battery covers
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 09:37:06 »
you might try radio shack for the antennas.  battery covers would be harder to find.  could try making your own while searching for replacements.