Author Topic: My RC blog + info about the Tyco Lamborghini versions?  (Read 5505 times)

R/C Toy Memories

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My RC blog + info about the Tyco Lamborghini versions?
« on: November 05, 2012, 05:44:12 »
G'day all, I'm new and just joined the forum after only recently discovering it. So nice to see so many collectors of Tyco, Nikko, Radio Shack and so on :)

I'm still busy reading the other threads, but a couple of things...

1) Can anyone explain (just briefly) what defines the 1st gen vs 2nd gen Tyco Turbo Lamborghini? I'm picking up clues here and there, but just hoping for a clear explanation.

2) I run a blog about vintage toy and hobby R/C cars that you might be interested in. I've already written a long profile on the Tyco Turbo Hopper in particular.
See here:

3) I've collect many, many cars over many years, so there'll be lots more on the blog in future.

4) Did you guys know that Taiyo, as a brand, no longer seems to exist? The official website is gone. :( And it only seems to have happened in the past year or so.

That's all for now!

H. -  A blog about my vintage R/C cars, toys & other stuff

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: My RC blog + info about the Tyco Lamborghini versions?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 23:46:47 »
1st gen: was made from 1989-1992 as the twin turbo model with pistol grip

2nd gen: made 1997-1998 and was just called turbo lamborghini with single motor and standard square remote

3rd gen: made late 1998 as newer twin turbo had the big square hopper remote.
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R/C Toy Memories

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Re: My RC blog + info about the Tyco Lamborghini versions?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2012, 00:29:17 »
Oh I see. This is different to what I thought, but actually good news. I wanted to have the 1st gen from the late 80s, and that is what I have. OI knew mine was the late 80s version, I just thought some of the other versions were also from that period. Instead it seems, they are from the late 90s.

Actually I also have a Dickie version with the square Dickie branded remote. Which I guess is just the Taiyo-only model, rebranded as Dickie for German markets, etc.

Thanks for your help :) -  A blog about my vintage R/C cars, toys & other stuff


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Re: My RC blog + info about the Tyco Lamborghini versions?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 18:04:01 »
Thanks for posting links to your blog. I read "Tell him he's dreamin'!" ??? The ridiculous asking prices of some vintage R/C items and this is one reason why I want to keep track of the eBay auctions each year.
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R/C Toy Memories

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Re: My RC blog + info about the Tyco Lamborghini versions?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2012, 03:00:03 »
Glad you liked the article. Yes, it's really important to try to keep track of values, over time. I've been on eBay for about 13 years now, and a lot has certainly changed in that time.

Now that R/C cars have become more collectible, and are more well-known as being collectible items, I feel that some sellers of rare items are constantly trying to take advantage of that and rip people off. Far beyond the values that would be reached in a normal bidding fight. Some of the prices are quite hilarious :)

H. -  A blog about my vintage R/C cars, toys & other stuff