Author Topic: Cannot locate name of Childhood RC  (Read 5656 times)


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Cannot locate name of Childhood RC
« on: December 31, 2012, 14:20:53 »
I have been scouring for hours now to find a car that I had in the later 90s. I don't know if tyco or nikko, but I believe its one of them as it was study built, very hard to break.

Okay the vehicle was a backwards trike. The 2 wheels were in front, and the rear had a single tread about 4-5 inches wide and several inches long. The 2 front tires were very thin to cut through water/sand. It also had a sort of upside down wing on the front to help it climb over sutff. The car itself was low profile but long. I remember it being over a foot long. The center of the car were the tread met the body, was off the ground, like a wide angled upside down V.

Its been burning me up inside not knowing what it was. It was one of the coolest cars I had. I get to see my son today with the crap cars that are made now. I would like to start to hunt down my generations rc to get for him. I miss my fast traxx and turbo hopper.


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Re: Cannot locate name of Childhood RC
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 14:46:48 »
its not tyco, haha if it has treads and its a tyco i own it. nikko maybe but I can't say

if you need help finding a fast traxx to buy though i can help you out

 good luck!
"If there are no such things as stupid questions than what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they suddenly become smart right before they are about to ask a question?"


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Re: Cannot locate name of Childhood RC
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 15:23:13 »
I do know it came from toys r us.  My dad got it for me, and he was a fan of Tyco. I never saw another one, nor met anyone that has heard of it either. My car was literally the coolest car on the block. I was also really fast. One flaw about it, found out the hard way was the way it was easy to carry. The easy way to carry it was at mid body between the body and track. Not a great idea when it is on. hurt like hell when hand got sucked in by the track.


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Re: Cannot locate name of Childhood RC
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2012, 15:30:47 »
The one with one track in back and skinny tires in back  is xrc atrc I saw one new in box go for like 30 on eBay.


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Re: Cannot locate name of Childhood RC
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2012, 15:36:26 »
YOU SIR, ARE AWESOME. That's it. Though I can't find on ebay. Now that I know, I can keep eye out.


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Re: Cannot locate name of Childhood RC
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2012, 15:44:24 »
The xrc cars don't go for much which is great for those who had them but I don't see the atrc often at all. I almost bid on the last one I saw cus I wanted a truck to run in the wet but decided just to use my back up water proof hobby truck for it. I hope you find one cus it feels like seeing a childhood friend that hasn't changed. Words can't describe it. I found my 2 most favorite rc cars on eBay from when I was like 9-10 and I will be burried with them.