Author Topic: Steering problem  (Read 4936 times)


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Steering problem
« on: January 24, 2014, 14:04:59 »
Hey guys!

I need your help badly. 18 years ago my aunt bought me a Taiyo Rockie A. After 5 months of using it, it stopped turning left and right. Back then, no one could repair it. Now, after 18 years, I took my Taiyo Rockie A from the basement and I thought, that it is great time to repair it myself.

1. I have checked the radio controller - it works.
2. I have opened the car, I have soldered out blue and red cables from the electromagnet (the one between front wheels), checked it with voltmeter - it occured to be working properly.
3. I have taken out the electromagnet and I have figured out, that something is wrong with that littler spring under the electromagnet.

I have soldered the cables back, and now I need your help. Probably, while someone was repairing the car years ago, he put the parts back incorectly. Now I have no idea, how the electromagnet should be placed with this little spring. When I keep that brown magnet ring from moving with my fingers, and I move it slowly around in a cricle, in some specific position the electromagnet works (when I steer left/right while adding the throttle, the electromagnet jumps left/right). But it only works when I hold it in my hands, because I have no idea where should I put this little spring. Also there is a little hole in that brown magnet ring, and I have no idea, if that hole is for the cables from electromagnet, or it should be faced down to interact somehow with the little spring.

Please find attached below pictures of my RC Model and the electromagnet. I took 5 photos - One of the car, 2 of the brown magnet ring (1 facing this little hole down, 1 facing the hole up), and 2 photos of the possible little spring placement, but I have no idea how it is supposed to work.

I will be glad if you could help me put that electromagnet together and finally make it work.

I'm sorry for any language mistakes, English is not my mother tongue :)

« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 05:06:14 by deric »


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Re: Steering problem
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 20:23:52 »
Hard to tell what im looking at. What the other side of the device look like where the wires com  out of


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Re: Steering problem
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2014, 23:24:16 »
That looks different than my Mini Bandit, I don't know if it's upside down or what, but on mine the legs of the spring goes between the alignment adjuster. Then one of the posts on the magnet goes between the spring legs to return the wheels to center.