Author Topic: Looking for a few odds and ends...  (Read 4828 times)


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Looking for a few odds and ends...
« on: April 13, 2015, 15:25:51 »
I have a few projects on hold, was hoping someone may have a few parts I need:

-Turbo/Aero Hopper Tires
-Turbo Hopper body
-Hammer radio (27MHz)
-Fast Traxx body

Thanks for looking!

R/C Toy Memories

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    • R/C Toy Memories - A blog about my vintage R/C cars, toys & other stuff
Re: Looking for a few odds and ends...
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2015, 07:17:32 »
nixzero - I have a few items. These may or may not be of interest.

I have...

- Turbo Hopper brand new in packet front tyres - AU$40/pair
- 1 x Turbo Hopper brand new in packet rear wing (black) - AU$30
- Turbo Hopper brand new in packet side nerf bar set - AU$30
- Turbo Hopper brand new in packet steering rod clip set - AU$15
- A NIB original Fast Traxx (yellow). Missing it's transmitter. Letting this one go at AU$120. If you have a transmitter to use with it, it's a steal.

Contact me via my site (if interested), as I don't check back on this forum as often as I should...

« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 07:26:38 by Hibernaculum » -  A blog about my vintage R/C cars, toys & other stuff