Author Topic: 1991 Radio Shack Off Roader motor not turning just getting .59-.74 volts. Help!  (Read 8609 times)


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I recently purchased this cool 4x4 & after cleaning battery terminals I managed to get wheels to turn once but now all that works is the steering. I took it apart and checked to make sure it was getting voltage from the batteries and checked it all with multimeter and discovered that the drive motor is just getting less than a volt. First time I checked it showed like .74 volt (when throttle switch was activated) and I checked again later and it was at like .59 volt. Truck is 6 volts (4 C batteries & a 9V under those) so I think there must be a relay or something that's not letting the proper power through especially considering it worked a second at first, and has now dropped. Any information would be greatly appreciated because I know it's something that's likely a simple fix with proper part.


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Turned out the motor was locking up. I took it out and it turned rough but broke free but after reinstalling it seemed it got bound up again and got hot real fast. I took it apart and some of the copper coil had come loose so I luckily had another motor the same size but had to take the brass motor gear off the shaft and install it on the replacement motor. I'm still not sure why the multimeter was showing the voltage drop with each check at the 2 motor wire solder points will a bad motor cause that low half volt reading? Seems not to go as fast as my other but maybe the batts have gotten weak.