I figured I'd update this thread since it was the first one that I found when I was looking for a link to recommend. Here are some sites that you might want to check out if you or your kids are interested in programming.
codecombat.com - This is a great place to start! It's has a fun interactive adventure game that you get to write code in.
codecademy.com - After codecombat.com, you might want to check out some more languages at codecademy.
codingame.com - This one is my favorite place to exercise, but you'd need to have some of the basics down already for this site.
code.org - Maybe the most publicly known due to campaigns to teach programming, this is an interesting one that I've tried and recommend, but I haven't done much on it myself.
By the way,
http://resizeimage.net/ is a great place to adjust your images to upload here. Try 600x400px size to stay under the 512KB limit.