Author Topic: Gaming Summary for 2020  (Read 4406 times)


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Gaming Summary for 2020
« on: January 01, 2021, 01:41:17 »
We finished out 2020 playing Caylus 1303 on New Years Eve. Fun game. I won by a single point over Isaac and nearly double Beth's score.

Throughout the year, I've been logging game plays in my calendar that Beth bought for me from I counted all the times that I've played games with someone over the past year. These were face-to-face table top games, or on rare occasions, hot-seat mode. (I've played several games on, Conquest on, and games on a few other sites, but haven't counted those in this list if they weren't in person.) I played 66 different games this year; 30 of them were played 2 or more times, with Caylus 1303 being the most recent addition to my collection and the last one to make the cut for 2 plays in 2020.

The 12 most played games for us (me with my immediate family for the most part) for 2020 were:

First, played 8 times:
Farting Cows And The End Of The World

Second, played 7 times:
Dinosaur Tea Party

Then, with 6 plays each:
Silver & Gold

Followed by these, with 5 plays each:

And finally, with 4 plays each:
Castles Of Mad King Ludwig
Hero Quest
Stone Age

In the back of the calendar there was a section for a 10x10 Game Challenge, which I hadn't heard of before, but simply is a matter of picking 10 games that you'll try to play 10 times throughout the year. I mentioned it to my wife, Beth, and she said that Caylus 1303 should be one that we put on that list for 2021.
"Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!" --Pinky and the Brain