Author Topic: Top Picks For Board Games  (Read 1290 times)


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Top Picks For Board Games
« on: November 11, 2022, 12:45:59 »
Over the years there have been several different lists about the top board games. Prior to BoardGameGeek coming onto the scene, had Board Game section run by Erik Arneson. I've had to check back using the WayBackMachine but have even found that his Top 10 Must-Have Board Games changed over the years. For example, in 2003, this is was his list:

1) Settlers of Catan
2) Scrabble
3) Carcassonne
4) Chess
5) Risk 2210 AD
6) Time's Up!
7) Lord of the Rings
8) In Pursuit
9) Backgammon
10) Monopoly

In 2004, his list changed to this:
1) Settlers of Catan
2) Scrabble
3) Puerto Rico
4) Traumfabrik
5) Chess
6) Time's Up!
7) I'm the Boss
8) Smarty Party
9) HeroScape
10) Mystery of the Abbey

I was looking for a list that I had written for that site years ago, which was my top games to take to a deserted island. POSTED by HONGBO DECEMBER 4, 2017

1. Settlers of Catan
2. Ticket to Ride – Europe
3. 7 Wonders
4. Splendor
5. Dominion
« Last Edit: November 27, 2022, 18:20:25 by Dragon »
"Hello IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again? ... OK, well, the button on the side. Is it glowing?... Yeah, you need to turn it on. Err, the button turns it on. Yeah, you do know how a button works, don't you? No, not on clothes." - Roy (The IT Crowd)


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Re: Top Picks For Board Games
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2022, 14:35:03 »
Since I never was able to find my Deserted Island Game List on, I'll just post some of my current and past favorite games.

Now that my son has gone off to college, recently, I've been playing games on BGA more than face-to-face, but I do still play board games with my wife and occasionally other guests. I still enjoy playing The Settlers Of Catan, Rival Troops, and Dominion, but also recently played Robo Rally again and I really enjoyed getting that one out.

My favorite games to play last year were: Dominion, Stone Age, and Caylus 1303.

Past favorites include: Bang!, BattleTech, Blue Moon City, Cash N Guns, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Cathedral, Condottierre, Citadels, Conquest of the Empire, Cosmic Encounter, Dominion, Doom: The Board Game (especially the Deathmatch rules), HeroQuest, HeroScape, Homeworlds (Looney Pyramids), Onitama, Pandemic, Power Grid, The Resistance, Robo Rally, Rumis, San Juan, Silver & Gold, The Settlers of Catan, Splendor, QE, Quarto, and Quoridor.
"Hello IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again? ... OK, well, the button on the side. Is it glowing?... Yeah, you need to turn it on. Err, the button turns it on. Yeah, you do know how a button works, don't you? No, not on clothes." - Roy (The IT Crowd)