Yeah, we did somewhere. I'm not sure where it went. I found that TylerChuit provided a link to
his BGG list. Since I can't find my other list right now, here's
my (majorly incomplete) BGG list.
Update: This is another partial game list:
Dragon's Game List:
1.Acquire (Avalon Hill/Hasbro)[2000]
2.Age Of Renaissance (AH)
3.Axis & Allies (Milton Bradley)
4.BattleCry (Avalon Hill/Hasbro)
5.Battle Masters (MB/Games Workshop)[1992]
6.Battleship - Electronic Talking (MB)[1989]
7.Battlestar Galactica (FASA)[1979]
8.BattleTech (FASA)
* BattleTech 3rd Edition [1993]
* CityTech 2nd Edition
* BattleTech Compendium: The Rules of Warfare
* BattleTech Master Rules
* Maximum Tech
* MechWarrior 2nd Edition
* Operation: Flashpoint
9.Before I Kill You, Mister Bond??? (Cheapass Games)
10.Blackbeard (AH)
11.Bottle Topps (Parker Brothers)
12.Brawl (Cheapass Games)
* Basic Set (4 of 6 Characters): Hale, Chris, Bennett, Pearl [1999]
* Ting Ting (Limited Edition)
13.Cathedral - Polystone Edition (Family Games Inc.)[1999]
15.Circus Maximus (AH)
16.Clue Master Detective (PB)[1988]
17.Compatibility (Mattel)
18.Crime Busters - Volume 1(Hoyle Products)[1986]
20.Dragon Dice (TSR)
21.Dungeon (TSR)
22.Dungeons & Dragons (TSR/Wizards Of The Coast)
* "Classic" Basic Set
* 2nd Edition Advanced D&D
* 3rd Edition D&D [2000]
23.Dune (AH)
24.El Grande (Rio Grande)
25.Formula De (Euro Games)
* Additional Tracks 3 & 4
26.Give Me The Brain (CG)
27.Hero Quest (MB)
* Barbarians Quest Pack
28.International Hostage (Smethport Specialty Co.)[1986]
29.Jenga (MB)
30.Key Whiz (Robert Ray)
31.Kill Doctor Lucky (CG)
32.Lord Of The Fries

De-Lux Set (CG)[2000]
33.Mage Knight: Rebellion
34.Magic: The Gathering (WOTC)
* Anthologies
* 6th Edition Starter Set
35.Masterpiece (PB)
36.Monopoly (PB)
37.Parts Unknown (CG)
38.Personal Preference
39.Phase 10 (Fundex Games)
40.Phase 10 Dice (Fundex Games)
41.Pictionary (MB)
42.Power Barons (MB)
43.Rack-O (MB)
44.Ripley's Believe It Or Not (MB)
45.Risk & Castle Risk (PB)
46.Settlers Of Catan (Mayfair)
47.Settlers Of Catan Card Game (Mayfair)
48.Scotland Yard (MB)
49.Scrabble (Selchow & Righter Co.)[1953]
50.Shadowlord! (MB)[1983]
51.Sleuth (AH)
52.SolarQuest (Golden)
53.Stay Alive (MB)[1978]
54.Stocks & Bonds (3M)[1964]
55.Stratego (MB)
56.The Newlywed Game (Endless Games)
57.The Stock Market Game (AH)[1970]
58.Touché (Gabriel)[1977]
59.Tri-Ominos (Pressman)
60.Uno (Mattel)[1998]
61.Zobmondo!! (Hasbro)[2000]