Author Topic: Mid 90's TYCO remote control interoperability or interchangeability.  (Read 7403 times)


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As long as the frequency is the same.  Can a TYCO fast traxx remote control, drive a TYCO mutator, minus the wheel rotation function?

Because I remember being able to control my little bros rebound with my mutator remote.

P.S.  Is there a web site for more TYCO RC info, like a wiki with lists, diagrams and schematics?


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I've never seen anything else set up like this set up for vintage Tyco stuff so I've been talking about setting up a Tyco Wiki here. I'm going to get one set up soon... hopefully this week. Sorry about not having it done yet.
"Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!" --Pinky and the Brain


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Most Tyco vehicle remotes will work for other similar vehicles, but not always.  Over time Tyco changes its circuitry setup and some remotes will not work with similar vehicles.  For example, a Tyco 4WD Nissan Pickup remote will not work at all with a Tyco Bandit Pickup even though they are pretty similar vehicles and even share the same body.  I haven't come across any diagrams or schematics for Tycos and that info would probably be hard to find anywhere.  Tyco electronics are pretty simple though when compared to today's electronics.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 20:57:13 by Gamester »


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Eveyone knows that TYCO mutators can be got, but the the remote for said mutators are next to impossible to get.

My hope was that I could use a fast traxx remote and solder in a button and a few passive components to operate the wheel adjustment feature of the mutator.

The lack of remotes for mutators seems to be more than just my problem.  I know there are other posts about this as well.

I hope to complete this project and make a write up so that others will be able to once again fully enjoy their TYCO mutators, but there is more reseach to be done.


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Good point about the Mutator. I've seen several of those on eBay without remotes too. I'd definitely like to see more on your completed project too. I'm working on integrating a Wiki with this forum, so hopefully we'll be able to start using that to add more cool information like that there.
"Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!" --Pinky and the Brain


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fortunately i have a mutator with remote, they are pretty fast trucks.
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Yea, those mutators are pretty cool.  I have a friend that had one when we were kids.  He put metal spikes in the tires so he could drive it on the ice during the winter.  It looked pretty sweet like that ;D


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wow! I picked mine up a few years back at a dissaster relief auction. it has kick, it beats my super fast traxx when its in low gear. but listening to it when i run it, it sounds like the gears are slipping and grinding when i go from forward to reverse  and vise versa. but it is sweet! one just sold on ebay for 10 bucks, but it was missing the remote.
"If there are no such things as stupid questions than what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they suddenly become smart right before they are about to ask a question?"


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i cant believe the mutator has a bit of a fan base i had 1 when i was a kid and decided against it and took it back and bought a rebound instead
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck



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fast traxx or scorcher "box" type remote controllers will not work.  It has to be the same style remote controller.  So remote controllers for super rebounds or slammers will control the mutator.

Now to figure out what AM signal activates the "mutate" function.


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good luck! love to see the remote when your done, mutator is just a fast truck without its mutating abilities!
"If there are no such things as stupid questions than what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they suddenly become smart right before they are about to ask a question?"