Author Topic: TANDY//RADIO SHACK .... TURBO FOX .. TOY TO HOBBY GRADE ..CONVERSION  (Read 48139 times)


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HI GUYS.. well my tandy turbo fox arrived today   so i was very keen to get the batts installed and take it for a spin . well when i did all i can say is what a dissopintment   :'(. the steering was less than useless  also even though the 8 AA batts were new and of good quality the car moved like a snail . . what a let down i know this car is from the 80's but i expected a lot more .  so what to do mmmm. ohh i know how about a hobby grade conversion   good idea    ;D


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here are some pics of the ripp out car and so on  ....   .   


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in the pics you can see i have already started to take out the toy grade electronics servo esc  /reciever   i will keep the stock 280 motor as is  grease up the gearbox service the stock motor .and install hobbygrade esc reciever  this will be run on lipo batts the esc a Mtronicks viper 27   i had sitting around a pretty cheap esc       waterproof esc will run on 7.2  to 9.6 volt pics      ..


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stay tuned guys more to come  including running video thanks ... P.S.. i forgot to mention the hobby servo is from one of my hpi nitro savages so should have more than enough force to turn the puney wheels ;D
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 16:45:22 by notatoy »


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kwl be good to see the finished results i was gonna bid on 1 of these on ebay last week
50 rc toy - hobby cars from 1979-2021


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kwl be good to see the finished results i was gonna bid on 1 of these on ebay last week
   thanks scorcher  , yes i must say they do seem pretty well made but the electronics are to say the least rubbish , hence the conversion , i had to glue the batt door shut and do some dremmel work inside the chassie to make way for the hobby grade electronics . real easy with the correct tools . the lipo batt will be slung from the the stock hard body  via velcro straps ,its the only place left to house the power supply . it is one of the smallest r/c  i have the 280 motor seems to rev hard under lipo power so think we are good with that  .i may at some point  install a exmods motor  though they are smaller but do give a higher rpm . like the chili motor   .>>>
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 18:14:08 by notatoy »


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sounds good thos little chili motors are good
50 rc toy - hobby cars from 1979-2021


  • Bronze Level
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-I think Losi "Mini-T" motors are 280's, & you should
be able to still buy pinion gears too, (through hobby
stores, on-line).


  • Silver Level
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  • Posts: 143
-I think Losi "Mini-T" motors are 280's, & you should
be able to still buy pinion gears too, (through hobby
stores, on-line).

    thanks savedONE  i forgot all about the losi  mini -t   i will keep it in mind  i made some progress today though could not finish the car through lack of ball end connectors for my steering rods  :'(  i only had the 5mm connectors  and need the 3mm will need to order some online as there are no hobby stores were i live  .it is always  the little things that hold you back . iam uploading a video as we speak of my progress  . got the electronics fixed down and working  mounted the antenna and also glued the velcro batt straps to the underside of the hard body it remains for the steering rods and also need to make some body posts so the body can be taken on and of with ease   . video will follow very shortly  thanks guys


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ok guys small video of my progress enjoy more to follow thanks ..


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-seems to have decent muscle.  I like how you got a 7.2v pk. to fit :)


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-seems to have decent muscle.  I like how you got a 7.2v pk. to fit :)
THANKS ..savedONE  to be honest that lipo batt in the video was on its last legs , and in need of charging  , but still give good power to the 280 motor . i realy need to install some sort of cut out for the lipo batts it is very seldom now that i use   nicad  or nimh .. .. thanks for your interest


  • Platinum Level
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coming together good mate cant wait to see the fisnished result
50 rc toy - hobby cars from 1979-2021


  • Silver Level
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coming together good mate cant wait to see the fisnished result
THANKS  scorcher will have off road running video real soon  stay tuned  ;D


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hi guys well i got fed up on waiting for parts for my steering arms so decided to salvage some from a old traxxas rustler i have with some modification they fit well and the steering is now 100%  , so i decided to take the car for a short test run well not as slow as it was but still slow imo so thought i would use a 11.1 volt lipo  this did help but still not what a small car like this should be with hobby electronics  so i decided to take out the motor on close inspection the motor is rated for 12 volts  so anything under that voltage and the motor is not getting full power the max i can get out of these electronics is 11.1 volts and thats pushing it ,so iam going to change out the motor for aone that is rated 7.2 volts think this is what i will purchase pretty cheap and has good reviews ... will keep you guys updated when it comes ..  thanks ..