No pics right now......but I have.....drum roll please
-Traxxas 1/16 e-revo (brushless and lipo batts)
-Traxxas 1/10 rustler (brushless with full 1/10 revo suspension and giant wheels)
-Tamiya 1/18 mini-Frog (upgraded brushed motor)
-Tyco Super fast traxx (no treads tho)
-Tyco yellow fast traxx (NIB)
-Tyco yellow fast traxx (almost new in box)
-Tyco "evil traxx" project build (see twin axle thread)
-Tyco scorcher (played with, no box)
-Tyco Target formula car (NIB)
-Tyco 1988 Pennzoil Indy Turbo (NIB)
-Tyco nitro dozer (NIB)
-Tyco nitro dozer (played with, no box)
the one I know I'll never get rid of is the 1988 Tyco Indy Turbo (pennzoil) car.
My earliest memory or playing with R/C cars is with a car just like this one.
I remember Christmas morning when I was probably 6 years old, my folks bought me this one. It had the little fake cones and me and pops hit up the local K Mart parking lot after the batts charged! Loved it!
Although, my wife hates me "wasting" money on this stuff, she doesnt realize I want to keep it all for our kids.
I want to show my kids what I had and loved as a kid. Since she is prego now with our first, its gonna be a while before they see or even play with any of them