Author Topic: Your tyco story  (Read 69878 times)


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2011, 09:43:14 »
hey all, new to forum tried to post something but didn't go through apparently. anyway i recently got 2 tyco vehicles on craigslist at a really good price and i was wondering how rare they could be. I can't find too much on them and thought you guys could help. I found a craigslist ad for "2 radio controlled vehicles and 1 hovercraft" and out of curiousity i clicked it and it was a 9.6v scorcher and a mini typhoon II. I'm into all rc cars especially when the price is good but tycos are something different and was an honor to have found such beautiful vehicles. Anyway, i saw a scorcher 9.6v kinda beat up go for 150 recently but i dont see them too often on ebay and when i do it's usually the red one in 9.6v. I have the gray one and it is almost flawless! anyone have any idea how rare a gray scorcher especially in almost perfect condition is? I'm new to the tycos of the good economy era since back when they were the thing, my mom wouldn't spend 80 dollars plus battery and charger on just 1 vehicle so i had nikkos and new brights. I'd love to hear from anyone who could give me info on these 2.


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2011, 14:00:48 »

wellcome to the forum

the gray and red are the most common but its usualy the red that pops up for sale i see a few gray 1s here n there i have 2 red and a black 1 which i didnt know they did a black 1 till i had 1 but id say the yellow 1 is the rarest of them all i think but a good condition gray 1 is worth a good few bucks im in uk so i cant say how much

and taiyo also did the scorcher 99% identical just it was called cyclone only diffrence was they where restickered whith taiyo and cyclone on them
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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #63 on: September 17, 2011, 13:36:37 »    i cannot believe it went for this much. was nothing special. looks to me like a used scorcher.


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #64 on: September 17, 2011, 15:55:23 »
its all about catching the right time when a few people wont 1 and that 1 looks pretty good condition and that yellow 1 is a 6v pretty rare dont see em in uk but the yellow 9.6v is rarest id say but im in uk
50 rc toy - hobby cars from 1979-2021


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #65 on: September 17, 2011, 17:32:47 »
i knew they had a 6v super scorcher but had no idea they had a 9.6v one. would have been nice if i would have payed real close attention to these details back when we all had these kind of cars running them like they'd be around forever. Since yellow is my fave color i think i would have to pick one up given the chance unless of course they want an arm and a leg for it, but other than that 6v one on ebay i've never seen one in 9.6v.

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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #66 on: November 22, 2011, 11:02:27 »
  My story is kinda sad but i have told it before on my old account.But i will share today with you fine folks, I was about five years old when i was placed into foster care due to phisically abusive parents.
  While in foster homes which sometime prove to be just as bad as my other home i have always wanted tycos especially the fast traxx.I remembered x-mas time came around and my foster brother which was my foster parents real son got a fast traxx and all i would ever get was clothes no fooling CLOTHES!!!And he never took care of it i remember after he would bash the heck out of it i would go get a damp warm rag and scrub it off and would drool for hours, yeah i would even set the gear into nuetral and pretend i was in the cockpit of that thing.
   Well needless to say i never got a fast traxx and my foster parents replaced his three times after he would break his.It literally would break my heart knowing that i was just an extra paycheck to them and they probably used the money the state of California gave them to take care of me for that. So that has been my motivation behind my purchases over the last few years.Thanks for reading didnt mean to bring you down but there it is.


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2011, 21:15:06 »
^ Man what a punk ass kid  >:(

I knew kids just like that growing up, I would goto their houses and they would have toys I always dreamed of just sitting on the floor piled up, not taken care of and probably only played with a few times.  Man that always annoyed me.

Did you ever try to keep the old ones and mess with them?  Or did they exchange em at the store?
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Your tyco
« Reply #68 on: January 15, 2012, 19:49:53 »
Hey man 

good to see you are here I saw your video last week surfing from video to another on youtube.
your a source a motivation for anyone viewing this video

thanks man I never seem to quit watching and reading stuffs that motivates me.



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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #69 on: April 02, 2012, 04:15:41 »
When I was a kid, the Turbo Hopper was the epitome of awesome.  On our block, it was the pinnacle of RC technology.  Not because we'd never heard of Team Associated or Tamiya (which we hadn't), but because the commercials made them look like they could jump canyons at 100mph!  I wanted one so bad.  I got to play with my friend's, but 8 new AA batteries are hard to come by when you're 7.

I begged for one forever, and finally one Christmas my sister and I got Heads Up Turbo Hoppers.  And, my dad was super-cool at understanding kids and toys, so he made sure to get different frequencies and spare battery packs- WooT!  Still, even at that age I thought the head was gimmicky, and it took my dad a year to convince me that it was a Turbo Hopper ("No, dad, the Turbo Hopper has diff'rent stickers and there's no guy's head inside!"), but it was my favorite RC of all time.

I recently got into hobby-grade RCs, but I miss the innovation and style of the old Tycos so I plan to start a lil collection.  They're not cheap on ebay, though....


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #70 on: June 25, 2012, 20:52:31 »
I grew up and I was lucky to have a few Tycos, I wanted a Typhoon and/or a Turbo Bandit when I was 8 or 9. But my dad knew a guy that broke a control arm on a Bandit and he didn't get me one. Back then I lived in Oklahoma and our backyard was a HUGE school playground, and the ground was all red dust just like the Bandit commercial. It would've been the perfect place for a RC truck!

A year or so later I got a Micro Bandit that still works.

One year later I got my first full function RC which is a Mini Bandit, still works and looks good.

For Christmas of '93 I finally got a 9.6v car; the Scorcher that I wanted so much. I had fun with that one, then one day one of the front wheels rolled away into a storm drain. It never handled the same and took some of the fun out of the car. Years later the ESC overheats and some of the body is warped from a heater or fireplace. It still runs, but it's in rough shape.

In '94 I wanted a Eliminator to replace the 5 wheeled Scorcher; it was easier to convince my parents to get another 9.6v car since I already had a battery pack. I got one and I LOVED that truck, but a month in the steering quit working. So I took it back, but it was discontinued at that point; I swore I'd get another one someday.

So I traded the Eliminator for a Hi-Jacker, it was heaver and slower, but less prone to rollovers. I still wished it was an Eliminator though. I drove that car for years until everything wore out. It doesn't run anymore, I'm sure I can get it to run again, it needs a transistor or something.

I decided to search for an Eliminator recently and I got one eBay a few days ago, and it brings back memories! It was the one with missing decals, other than that it's pretty mint for it's age. I see that it was on this forum also. The parts and controller feel brand new compared to my Hi-Jacker; the seller said the gear selector was funny, but it feels new and tight! I'm in the process of recreating the decals, we'll see how that turns out.


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #71 on: June 25, 2012, 21:56:46 »
I knew that eliminator went to a good home. I'm glad you love it like it needs to be loved. It's never the vehicle, its only worth the scrap they're made of its the memories it brings back that makes them worth twice their weight in gold. The years that eliminator was in stores were the best years. Toys inspired imagination and creativity. memories of playing outdoors with your friends all running our tycos and nikkos and even radio shack cars. Sometimes 10 or more kids with their cars all out at one time (yeah sometimes we had frequency issues). Now they took all of the imagination out of the toys. Kids are all shut ins playing their simulated reality. If they make a game where you're 12 in the 1990's you can plug me in and and leave me in my room. For now we just have the things that remind us of different simpler better times.


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #72 on: August 04, 2012, 20:04:41 »
Hey everybody, I'm new here.

I had a Bandit (black) and a FastTraxx (also black) growing up.  I got them as gifts when I was in elementary school, probably close to 20 years ago.  Man I loved those things.  My dad and I would race them up and down the street all the time.  As I got older I gradually lost interest in playing with them, so the cars collected dust in my closet.

Fast forward quite a bit - I'm now married with a three year old son and a daughter on the way.  My son really took a liking to a cheap Radio Shack RC car of unknown origin that we found while cleaning my home office, but it was too weak to drive on carpet, much less in grass.  So a couple days ago I went to our garage, dug around for a while, and found the Tyco cars in a box.  We picked up some new battery packs today and drove the FastTraxx around in the yard for a while.  I had forgotten how ridiculously fun it was to drive, and my son had an absolute blast with it.  His three year old mind couldn't quite comprehend that he was playing with one of daddy's toys.

Both cars need a little work (the Bandit is missing rear springs and may have stripped forward gears :/ and the Traxx needs new treads) so you may be seeing some more posts from me on this forum in a vain attempt to find replacement parts.  But I just wanted to enter my Tyco story into the record.


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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #73 on: August 05, 2012, 11:02:46 »
Very cool. Thanks for sharing your story and welcome to the site!
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Re: Your tyco story
« Reply #74 on: February 13, 2015, 10:08:18 »
When I was about 14 or 15 years old I had a Tyco rc car. It was made in the mid 90s. I know everyone had Well this one was special, and I have not been able to find it anywhere. There are no pics online, I can't even remember what it was called. Bear with me while I try and explain what it looked like. First off it was very long and the color was red. It had 2 very skinny front wheels with suspension, and had a Huge single track/trax, on the rear. It looked somewhat like a snowmobile but wasn't one! Im sure it was made by Tyco. If anyone knows what it was called or have a picture they want to share it would be amazing! Thanks