Author Topic: The Return of Conquest  (Read 40612 times)


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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #45 on: January 27, 2011, 01:33:04 »
I've released your new Generals. Good luck.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2011, 22:05:49 »
Thanks... I appreciate the many long hours you've put into making the game work.  I know it has to be a bit frustrating when you're having to remember how you did stuff the first time and also having us complaining about things seeming unfair. 

Having tried to make a few games myself, I sympathize with how incredibally hard it can be to balance game play, and even changing a few simple things can throw the numbers way out of whack.

Speaking for myself, I do like the original game this is based on, and I think your efforts to recreate it for us on the forums without any thought of compensation is a great and generous thing.  It has been fun to play games with you guys again, even if only by proxy for a few minutes a day.

Also, personally speaking, I hope the comments I've made about things that have been happening in the games can ultimately be seen as constructive, even if they were sometimes delivered with an undertone of frustration... or overtone... :-[

Anyway, thanks again for the site and thanks for the game.  Your hard work is appreciated.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 22:16:42 by TylerChuit »
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2011, 22:33:17 »
I had originally put this next paragraph in the above post, but in rereading the finished product, it interrupted the flow of my intended compliment with a hint of dickish alterior motive...

"That being said, In game IX it seems Ernie's 3 captured generals somehow broke out of my prison.  I had no ransom set, and I did not release them.  Indeed I actually intended to see how much of their skin could be removed while they were still able to fight ravenous lions in the arena.  These lions are terrible man eaters.  Or rather 'bits of man' eaters, having been feed on a steady diet of the skins of my enemies.  That's how your Caesar died incidentally... made my lions sick from all that milky skin made pale from generations of Roman inbreeding.  Seriously, they were throwing up entrails for days."

So you could see how I would want to isolate that from the previous post.  ;D
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2011, 00:40:57 »
I posted twice about issues I'm having with the game I'm in.
Just a few things that should probably be looked into.

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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2011, 14:42:31 »
Hi guys, sorry I haven't been on lately. I'm not even on my pc now. Posting from my phone. I have had little access to my pc lately due to complaints from my wife and from being very sick. I will try to correct those thing  that are screwed up... Sometime .  :(
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 13:45:08 by Dragon »
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #50 on: February 06, 2011, 14:00:20 »
Mac, sorry about the trouble you're having. Regarding the cavalry, they are not stopped in opposing (or neutral) territory unless there are opposing units, but they will only capture a territory that they battle in. If you lost a an infantry unit, it was more likely because he didn't have a general with him, regardless of who controls the territory. The only time any unit can be left without a general is if they are in a friendly city.

Regarding the lost movement points, I'm not certain. If it is during a turn that you're still taking, I'll try to look into it and might be able to correct it. If it is in one previously, there's nothing that I'm able to tell.

Unfortunately, I have to leave right now. I'll try to check in again later tonight or tomorrow.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2011, 21:07:25 »
My issue was the general I was using to transport troops to the front line, was also going to bring one home sick soldier to the capital. I wasn't able to move the general a second move with the returning soldier. And the same happened when I brought troops back to the capital, I could not move the general back to his original spot. Yes, I unattached all the troops, still no second movement point.

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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2011, 23:26:15 »
OK. If you notice that again, let me know right away and don't finish out the move until I can look at it.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #53 on: February 11, 2011, 06:08:33 »
Very strange... but I've finally since what you guys may have been dealing with. In Game V, I tried to move General Crouton from Numidia to Africa Procons with 3 Infantry that I had just assigned. After the move, the wrong general was in Africa Procons, without any infantry, and General Crouton was still in Numidia with no movement points available. General Crouton had just recently returned to Numidia from Africa Procons. I'm not sure what's causing it yet, but at least I've got some more clues.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #54 on: February 14, 2011, 21:50:31 »
Got the following message when I was taking my turn.

Belgica: 1 warrior of Hispania vs. 0 warriors

Victory! : Resistance is futile. Hispania claims this territory.
Mare Libycum: 0 warriors of Hispania vs. 3 warriors of Galatia

Failure : The army of Galatia has defended it's territory with a crushing blow to the army of Hispania.
Mare Rhodus: 0 warriors of Hispania vs. 4 warriors of Galatia

Failure : The army of Galatia has defended it's territory with a crushing blow to the army of Hispania.
Mare Cantabricum
Generals and Ships cannot capture territory without warriors!

Until you bring at least one warrior to this territory, you will not get any income for this territory and your General or Ship has no protection. You should always have at least one warrior.

Mare Narbo
Generals and Ships cannot capture territory without warriors!

Until you bring at least one warrior to this territory, you will not get any income for this territory and your General or Ship has no protection. You should always have at least one warrior.

Problem is I only moved to Belgica. Just thought I'd mention it.

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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #55 on: February 18, 2011, 23:29:03 »
OK. You might notice that those other territories are all sea territories. It's harder to deal with those because they aren't really claimed. At one point, I made the system claim sea territories just because it was hiding ships that were sitting there in an unclaimed territory. Obviously that needs to be changed... but that's what I did way back when. Thanks for the reminder.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2011, 22:04:14 »
Found this post in Game IX:

"I was wondering if it was possible to set priorities for what troops are eliminated in what order. If so, I'd suggest catapults attached to generals be taken out last, while catapults generated by cities would be taken out first. Since I don't think anyone would do it differently if they had a choice. Also, the city thing more accurately represents the destruction of the outer defenses of a city before reaching the soldiers inside."

Sounds like a good suggestion. However, int the original board game, the attacker chose which unit would be destroyed before rolling, so this game was really built with casualties random so that there wouldn't be any biased deaths. However, I'll look into how the updated version works and take your suggestion into consideration when I get back to updating this.

By the way, I do believe the forum would be a better place for problems and suggestions rather than the in-game messages since this is less likely to get lost when a game ends.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2011, 21:19:13 »
While I do understand the reasoning of choosing your targets, I want you to take a moment and imagine a large battlefield with two opposing armies.  Are you imagining it?  The ocean of grimy faces poised at opposite ends of a large smoke filled field.  The flags and banners whipping furiously in the rising wind...   Now, in your mental picture... are the catapults in front where they can easily be destroyed by footsoldiers, or tucked safely in the back heavily guarded by the grunts, or "meat shields"?  I'm just saying...
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2011, 21:36:20 »
That's a great bit of writing there. Nice visual. Regardless of how any of the rules state it, you're definitely persuading me here.
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Re: The Return of Conquest
« Reply #59 on: March 04, 2011, 09:45:18 »
Well, regardless of what game you've originally based yours on, there are already changes you've had to make in order to translate it to web format.  In the end, it is YOUR game, and you should be able to make it any way you feel it works best. 

However, if you're looking into stuff from the updated version of the board game, I'd be interested in the roads.  :)
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