i think bandit01 is right on this, my old red baja bandit-i believe i bought from bandit 01- didnt seeam as fast as the newer ones, also theres a difference in the gears between the older and newer ones, my baja had a louder whine and when you let off the button it would almost stop immediateley, where the newer ones coast a bit more , but there still fast and have alot more take off blls than the eliminator.
as for the eliminator being fast, yep mines faster than any of my bandits but they dont have near the take off as a bandit. on carpet my bandits in hi will do a wheelie on the bumper in hi if you hit reverse and forward real quick, the eliminator only does that in lo gear.
those eliminators sound cool tho when you push the turbo function down, they dont have the gear noise just a humm