Author Topic: Radio Shack "OFF-ROADER" full hobby conversion with remote operated winch  (Read 32220 times)


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yes it is a nice looking truck i got this and the off roader blue 49 4x4 together as package deal i do not want to cut up the blue truck so i decided the tiger is my choice. yes if you take pics i would really appreciate it it could really help


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Yeah these were built by the tandy corporation and designed by radioshack but shared wheels, tires and radios that tyco used.
I have Jeep Wild Willy clone that you can tell came out of the same factory and made by the same designer as the radio shack truck, many parts are identical, just the jeep frame is shorter. But the jeep say's Tyco and Taiyo all over it instead of radio shack. Radio shack/Tandy don't have factories and don't really make any thing, they just have products rebadged.

Tyco Bandit King

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Radio shack used to have a factory here in dallas where they built the rc cars, some of my older radioshack cars have it printed on their box. Now radio shack doesnt even produce anything rebadged or their own. They just sell new bright cars.
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i know what you mean my first r/c car ever was in 1986 the radio shack audi quattro rally car and i still own that and it has a lot of great memories. new brights are evrywhere like nikkos used to be back in the day


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Radio shack used to have a factory here in dallas where they built the rc cars, some of my older radioshack cars have it printed on their box.

That must of been a long time ago, late 70's early 80's? When I worked for radioshack in the late 90's the head quarter was in fort worth texas, but it was just the main offices, nothing was manufactured there.

Quote from: Tyco Bandit King link
Now radio shack doesnt even produce anything rebadged or their own. They just sell new bright cars.
yuk. I'd say 80% of the new bright stuff I see is rubbish. The crawler does'nt look too bad. They put 90% of there effort into making the body look nice, and 10% into making it perform. 

Tyco Bandit King

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The one I saw was in dallas off of 35 I believe near downtown. Not sure what all they did there but that was when they designed some of their own cars like the enforcer/hotmachine/intruder chassis which no tyco or nikko had.
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The one I saw was in dallas off of 35 I believe near downtown. Not sure what all they did there but that was when they designed some of their own cars like the enforcer/hotmachine/intruder chassis which no tyco or nikko had.
Are you sure they did'nt just design the box art and decal's there?

The enforcer/hotmachine/intruder chassis came out of the same factory as the tamiya Quick Drive trucks. For exsample, the Tamiya QD Midnight Pumpkin is just a RadioShack Street Comber painted black with Hot Machine tires.

Radio shack Street Comber
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 15:09:28 by jeffescortlx »

Tyco Bandit King

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As you know the quick drives were all 2wd, they had a similar chassis as the intruder/hot machine but 4wd only radio shack had the long chassis and all were 4wd which i believe they did all on their own. The tandy corporation i saw is i believe who was in charge of that. I think they might have built them elsewhere but they were designed by tandy. I do know tandy also manufactured leather in dallas too, i cant see why they wouldnt do their radioshack cars here as well.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 02:24:53 by Tyco Bandit King »
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