-The Thor runs OK, but has the electronic torque splitter, (which means the wired the motors, so that the one needing power, doesn't get it---like the stock Clodbuster's "power/economy" switch). I've never tried to reverse the wiring, I think the radio's sticks would need reversed too, but then those lik 380's should have much more pep. If anybody tries this, I'm not sure is it'd blow up the stk elects., but really, new "hobby guts" would be the next step anyhow. Also, unplugging the lights could help in the umph department.
-Also, if you remove the front bumper, you need a brace to hold the frt. gbx halves together, destroyed a gearcase on a nose-heavy jump. Also, the upper A-arm hits the front motor, (maybe not the Thor's 380, but definately the RR's 540. the Arm won't let that side compress nearly as far as the opposite, trim the arm, or replace it w/links & prob.'s solved. BTW, Sprfstrxx rear chrome wheels are wrong, Tyco got cheap & only made 1 mold/direction