Author Topic: outlaw hobby car, faster than 9.6v turbo cars  (Read 30265 times)

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2011, 04:12:05 »
I had the same thing on a wild thing hopper where one wheel would spin, ill have to show you tomorrow how I fixed it. Fair warning, this hopper is a junker but runs awesome so I fixed it the only way possible haha.

You can also press off the wheel and put a new one on, that is if your wheel is stripped
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #46 on: January 08, 2011, 04:26:30 »
wheels not stripped, i was drivin the beater bandit in a parking lot awhile back, and was doing donuts and hit part of a drain in the parking lot, after that only one wheel would spin the other just free wheels axle and all, this was a solid axle one too, it sucked because the gears were the smoothest sounding ones yet
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #47 on: January 08, 2011, 13:00:33 »
It sounds like somewhere in the case you broke the axle somehow. Thats the only way only one wheel can spin, other than stripping out the wheel or stripping out the press fitting. I guess it wouldnt hurt to saw the axle off at this point since you will need to put another one in there anyway. What im wondering is how one wheel is spinning yet the axle wont just slide out
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #48 on: January 08, 2011, 13:17:12 »
iam wondering that same question.

also, this i would be a shot in the dark effort, but ive been thinking about getting on apart and taking the gears out and then comparing them to some of the different bags of gears you can get for hobby r/cs, you would think that with all the different sets out there you could piece together enuff gears to replace with hobby stuff
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2011, 13:34:13 »
You know there are a ton of gear sets out therefor hobby cars, usually 32, 48, 64 and tamiya metric pitch. Tyco gears look closest to the 32 pitch gears but I have a feeling they have their own pitch. I might check them today while im at the hobby shop since I brought the wild thing.

I will end up having aluminum gears made that will hold all the power these can handle because finding the right gears to match would take ages and most likely would still need modifying to work
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #50 on: January 08, 2011, 17:27:14 »
got it figured out on the axle problem, come to find out theres 2 axles in all the rear diffs that are the older style like what was used in the bajabandits, hoppers, blaster, and wild things whether 1 wheel spins the opposite direction or even if its a posi type where both spin the same direction.

the difference is how the left axle connects to the gear in the middle that attaches the two axles. on the posi type, both axles slide into the center gear with a hex type fitting like the wheels have, that locks them both in place, the other style instead of using a hex on the end it has a gears, that gear spins inside of the big gear which has 2 small side gears and when these are sping the spin the other half of the big gear that the right axle is connected to.

as for my diff that only 1 wheel was spinning, the plastic piece that the right axle slides into with the hex shape had stripped out a bit, but luckily that big gear comes apart and i was able to use the piece from the other style diff to fix it.

i also found out that the older style rear diffs with the small lever for hi/lo that hangs off the back of the gear box like in the blasters, older baja bandits and hoppers, they dont all have the same gear ratios, the bandit from what i could tell had lower gears than the blaster does, but im not sure if that is one difference in the open-and locked diffs- or a difference in which car the diff was going to be used in

now the newer style diffs like the eliminators and newer bandits had are a different animal, they are a solid axle, and i dont think ive seen any that style that have a differential.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 17:38:42 by performerrpm »
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2011, 18:52:37 »
Yeah they made several different types of axles and motors for these. The bandit had 2 different axles and ones without 9.6v on the side had a differential, thats the easiest way to tell.

Out of the blaster, wild thing, shocker and other cars from 90-94 they all had the axles geared for high speed, just later ones came with a better motor.

Rear axles:

1. locked with short ratio-blaster, wild thing, shocker etc

2. locked with tall ratio-bandit 1 and 2 etc

3. open with tall ratio bandit 3, eliminator etc
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2011, 19:38:33 »
i went thrue my bandit parts, looks like i have a now good bandit diff, and im pretty sure the other one i stumbled onto in my junk drawer was an eliminator diff, iam really kinda hoping it is, since the inside is like brand new, iam wanting to use it for 1 of the bad boy bandits since it has a taller gear ratio.

in any case im almost set to go, i did find they make a tool for 8 bucks to remove the pinion gears from the motors, think imma get one to try and not mess up my gear when i swap motors.

you think a 2s li po battery will fit in the bandits batter tray? looks like it would to me but thats goin off pictures, iam either gonna go that route or just use a nimh 9.6 so i can keep it lookin stock
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2011, 19:59:37 »
If you look under my project wild thing post It shows the tools I used to get the pinion off. You also need to put the motor in a vice. Unless you a super careful you will mess up the pinion. That puller would probably be a good idea to get especially for $8.

They make 2s lipos in all kinds of sizes and the more mah they are the more space they take up. Ive seen one that looks like it would fit almost exact so I know there a good one out there for the battery tray
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2011, 22:23:31 »
hey when you get the puller could you post a picture of it?
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #55 on: January 08, 2011, 22:55:30 »

this is a link to alot of different ones but not the one i had in mind, i gotta find the page it was on
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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #56 on: January 08, 2011, 23:06:54 »
snap it is like a mouth peice puller, like i use on my trombone haha just a lil different and smaller.
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2011, 18:26:29 »
I just had a head to head with the stock outlaw and the hobby outlaw. From a dead stop the hobby outlaw pulls hard away from the stock and its not even close.

I also got out my bushnell $130 radar to see if I could record some speeds from the two. I was running them inside on a wood floor with about a 30 foot runway. I got the stock outlaw to read speeds of 13mph and the modified outlaw would hit 17mph. Im not sure how accurate these numbers are but the radar will not pick up anything less than 10mph and I know they were both doing more than 10mph. I will probably get somebody to hold the radar outside while I run them to get an accurate measure. It was very accurate when running my other cars doing well above 40mph so I think I just need to be outdoors for it to pick up right.

If I can get the radar just right, I will radar all the tyco cars I have for the real speeds. Its kinda hard sitting on a floor with the radar in one hand and the control in the other. My other approach was using a rubber band to hold down the trigger and setting it between my feet then controlling the car with both hands, just i think having the radar that close and low to the ground throws it off.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 14:20:43 by Tyco Bandit King »
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car in progress
« Reply #58 on: January 16, 2011, 19:37:23 »
You guys wont believe this but I just raced the bandit vs the modified outlaw and it was such a close race I could barely tell which was faster. I actually had to line the 2 up perfect so they would go in a straight line then hold both remotes and let em go. The bandit seemed to have just a hair better acceleration but the outlaw was always next to it or ahead. Just as soon as I got them perfectly lined up to go in a perfect line the battery started dying on the outlaw. I ran the outlaw for about 45 mins and the bandit about 20 mins before racing the 2 and I wanna charge them both up and do it again next time with another driver.

All in all I think the outlaw is actually a little bit faster. I was clocking the bandit just before and was seeing 15-16mph, whereas the outlaw was showing up 17mph which I thought was off. Maybe this will give you an idea of just how fast the modified outlaw really is. Soon I will have them both charged up and both running side to side to see which really is the fastest. If the bandit is much slower next time I will be doing a hobby bandit as well and expect to see it in the 20mph+ range
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: outlaw hobby car, faster than 9.6v turbo cars
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2011, 14:36:12 »
Now that ive outrun the bandit im gonna run it against the wild thing and the twin turbo lamborghini to see how they stack up. Now im itching to do the same to a bandit and lamborghini and see how much faster they will be too.
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