Author Topic: guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?  (Read 4078 times)


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guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?
« on: January 26, 2011, 17:42:02 »
ok when i got my hi jacker when i was a kid.  my rich neigbor friend always had to one up me so he had 3 cars, one of wich was a fast traxx.

now the other 2 im not even sure are tyco's but one car i seen recently and i forgot already.

you can hit a switch and it will cause some wheels to sin and it goes side to side.  like directly to the side with out going forward.

and another one of a cobra that came out from the car body. popped up.  and it spit water like it was venom and it was supposed to be a monster truck off  moster jam like way bake in the day called snake bite or something.


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Re: guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 18:11:00 »
-Tyco made the one that spits water, I think it was called the Python

-The tank that can move straight sideways was sold by Radio Shack, called the Bedlam, but I think Tyco had basically the same thing too, have to ask the others what it was called.


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Re: guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 18:44:55 »
yes the python, but the bedlam is like the fast traxx but looks dumb, tyco made one called a zig zag. like the picture, this car goes side to sid the wheels turn over and lay flat

the blue one(radioshack made one too that was red and yellow)

then the zig zag a bedlam looks just like this but diff. stickers
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Re: guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 19:41:31 »
the one im talking about didnt have tracks, it had wheels and another set on the carriage in the middle that made  it drive to the side..


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Re: guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 20:17:25 »
ahh i don't know
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Re: guys, do you remember these cars? help me remember?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2011, 03:49:57 »
the tyco version of the radio shack bedlam was the tyco zig zag but it was tracxxed so im not sure the name of the one your looking for and yep, the other was the python, they come upon ebay often, they were 6volt, like the firepower
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck
