Author Topic: hobby grade bandit  (Read 11818 times)

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2011, 11:50:55 »
Hahaha thats awesome! Now I really cant wait to convert mine over. I might just use my rough wild thing hopper because accidents do happen.

Heres a few things I would suggest to correct those issues:

1. If you dont have it already get a good servo saver, it will keep the gears from stripping when you wreck or hit anything.

2. With an fm radio you can slow the steering down and limit how far it steers to make it much easier to keep straight.

3. If you run a brushless motor it will coast when you let off the throttle almost as if you dont have a motor in it. That will keep it from spinning out on a slick surface.

4. You might consider running a 1 cell lipo, it is only 3.7v but it will still make that bandit much faster than stock. The best part is you will have a lot more control and if you need more power then turn the speed control up. Run times can also be 1-2 hours if you want and still be lighter than the 9.6v pack.

Also if you do a scorpion you can run a 7.4 volt lipo or 11.1 in the battery tray and it will do over 70mph with a 1:2 gear reduction unit
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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2011, 13:17:08 »
i fully charged the battery, drove it about a block away from me, then full speed back to me, i dont know how fast this thing is since even after a block its steel gaining speed, in fact when it came back past me the left front wheel was bareley touching the road and the right front wheel was not even spinning, it was off the ground just bareley.

lo gear runs its still probally twice as fast as stock, theres a build up of loose gravel and dirt on the pavement at the intersection in front of my house and in lo gear it throws rooster tails about 2 foot long or longer!

planning on changing the radio to the fm variety, and the servo saver too, i think the slower turning speeds may help in the barrel roll dept. honestly i havent had this much fun with an r/c since i was a kid! the battery was still going strong after 15 minutes but was real hot, i may change to the lipo maybee it may run a bit cooler.

the radio im using now i think will work ok in the scorpion since theres a bit more suspension travel, im thinking of using another castle creations esc in it too, and i seen a 15t motor i think will be allright in it, i like the lipo 7.2v idea for sure, but what exactly does the gear reduction you mention consist of and where do you get it?

as far as converting a rough r/c over, its probally the best thing because in my case im definateley glad i didnt use my best bandit body, this ones taking on a few scratches already, in fact im thinkin i may need to take the chrome front bumper off now before the next crash does
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2011, 14:44:17 »
The gear reduction unit is made by and being 1:2 it will double your gear ratio for twice the speeds if you have the power to back it. It bolts onto the 540 motor and its about 3/4" wide so can fit in most 540 motor cars.

I was gonna say, if you havent removed any of your chrome pieces take them all off because its only a matter of time. I would consider making body protection unless you slow it down because its always too tempting to haul ass and it always ends up with a roll over.

Best place to run it is on a highschool track with rubber suface, it will be very hard to spin out if at all and about the flattest ground you can find.

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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2011, 14:50:12 »
The middle school near my house is gravel and it would look sick for a hobby grade bandit to run around it.
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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2011, 12:58:20 »
i think its bout time to pull the dif out and have a look inside, i notice every now and then it cliks in hi gear, but doesnt grind, i actually think at top speed one of the tires is getting the fender but i can tell, last i drove it i found out low gear is actually alot more fun, tho not as fast, but its a drift king in lo gear, i need to swap some better tires on it its hard to get it up in a wheelie from a roll back or a start because the settings are turned lo for saving the gears on take off, then when it does kick in, the tires just spin.
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck



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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2011, 13:07:48 »
So are you ready to do mine? Haha.

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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2011, 00:20:22 »
send it and all the parts and ill put them in, i can send it back with intial settings to the speed control til ya get a castle link for it. your other r/cs will be shelfed after you drive a hobby graed oned
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2011, 00:29:24 »
Haha I have a chasis and body for it, just I wouldn't know what parts to buy. I could send you that and what ever it costs for the right parts.

I have an eliminator bumper on it, maybe you should put one on yours since it provides alot more protection.

FYI that red beater bandit I got for 30, still runs, I don't think it's as fast as a nicer one but both gears work, they click a little but I was super surprised!
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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2011, 00:46:56 »
yeah i wish i had bought that red bandit, really as bad lookin as the body was it would have been perfect for the fast bandit.

i think the esc and aluminum shocks and servoand the hardware for mounting the shocks was around 100/120 bucks, as seen earlier in the thread you would wanna get a fm radio and reciever on ebay used for reasonable and figure whatever that cost to the abover, right now im into mine for about 150 or so but i have to replace the servo and swap to the fm radio.

ill probally get mine fixed again then run it in lo for awhile, at least its a wee bit controlable, although still at the ragged edge of controlable
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2011, 00:54:23 »
Would you want an eliminator front bumper? So I send yo 200 with the truck and it's all good  ;D
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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2011, 03:01:41 »
200 would probaly get ya everything needed to do the hobby grade conversion im sure. if ya decide to go that route let me knoiw, i could probally get it done in the next couple weeks, really once the parts is all in one place, it doesnt take long to do at all.

drove mine again yesterday, with the clicking servo still yet, man i just cant get over how fast this thing really is, i can put it on a step about 2 foot from the edge and it just launches off from it, better than the stocker did with a full run at it, and the cant even here it land
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck



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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2011, 00:48:44 »
Wow. Sounds awesome guys!

What kind of tools have you guys needed to do these hobby grade conversions?
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Re: hobby grade bandit
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2011, 12:04:23 »
soldering gun, regular screwdrivers and wire cutters, i used a bench vise also. only other thing i used was a dremel and sanding rolls, but it could be done without that too. also need a drill and some small bits and allen wrench and cresent wrench

basic hand tools really
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck
