Author Topic: Help with outlaw  (Read 4308 times)


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Help with outlaw
« on: March 11, 2011, 23:14:46 »
So I've received an outlaw from a friend which some of you may know I've been searching for, to give my little bro as a present but to also try to get closer with him.

The problem is this outlaw, doesn't work, the battery tray is really corroded and there is no remote or antenna for this truck.

So what would anyone with tyco moding experience be willing to make this a hobbygrade truck? I would pay for all parts and labor but I want it to be perfect for him. You know so this little outlaw could hold it's own around my bandits and eliminators. But with enough torch to wheelie. I want to keep the stock look.

If anyone would be willing or atleast could make me a instructions book on my first modded tyco that would be awesome
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Re: Help with outlaw
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 23:50:17 »
send me some pic's of the battery tray, try to incllude what the battery hooks to. either if its by AA or 9.6v.

then send me a pic of the board.   if the tray is super bad then its most likely the battery wires are eaten away.

if theres corrosion on the tips of the wire, replace them.    or send it to me with 2 way postage and i will fix it for you.

lets try the pics first though shall we kiddo

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: Help with outlaw
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 00:06:34 »
Go look at the forum on how I modded mine with hobby electronics. If you want the motor to be functional it would require extra wiring.
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Re: Help with outlaw
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 00:16:54 »
id use all the micro stuff like i used in the bandit, plenty of room left over in the bandit chassis, so i bet there would be enuf room in the outlaw to hide all the hobby electronics, as for the motor, it could be used just have to wire it into the power supply, i think you could wire it in so the truck works with or without it, or you could wire it in as part of the battery compartment, accorse then you would need to have it in always. the outlay uses 4 aa batterries in the bottom right? so with the total of 6 aa batteries you would be at 7.2 volts so you could use an affordable esc anyhow!

i say go for it you could directly copy what banditkings has done, for the most part
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck



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Re: Help with outlaw
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 00:49:40 »
theres a black one on ebay and the blue one is relisted too
my current r/cs

bad boy black bandit-40+

nib red bandit

red bandit in box

black bandit stock

hobby graded suspension bandit

black fast traxx truck



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Re: Help with outlaw
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 00:55:36 »
The black is parts and I want the blue, she didn't give me a second chance offer on it. Not cool
"If there are no such things as stupid questions than what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they suddenly become smart right before they are about to ask a question?"