Author Topic: New guy here, but not to RC.  (Read 6850 times)


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New guy here, but not to RC.
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:22:44 »
I've been playing around with RC since I was in Jr High (late 80's). I've bought several over the years, got some as gifts, traded a few, sold some, but kept most. Heres a few pics of part of my collection.


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Re: New guy here, but not to RC.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 14:33:14 »
I see a Nikko Big Bubba that's in need of a body.
Golden Arrow, good buggy and collectible.


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Re: New guy here, but not to RC.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 15:02:50 »
I see a Nikko Big Bubba that's in need of a body.
Golden Arrow, good buggy and collectible.
Good eye. It is a Big Bubba, with some parts from a Radio Shack Wild Horse and a Sears Lobo truck. The base chassis and electrics are all pretty much the same and the Lobo body is the same I think with different stickers, but the Wild Horse had a different upper chassis section and an 18 wheeler body with a rear wing. I had all three and mix/matched parts to make a runner untill the electrics crapped out.


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Re: New guy here, but not to RC.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2011, 16:34:29 »
I see a Nikko Big Bubba that's in need of a body.
Golden Arrow, good buggy and collectible.
Good eye. It is a Big Bubba, with some parts from a Radio Shack Wild Horse and a Sears Lobo truck. The base chassis and electrics are all pretty much the same and the Lobo body is the same I think with different stickers, but the Wild Horse had a different upper chassis section and an 18 wheeler body with a rear wing. I had all three and mix/matched parts to make a runner untill the electrics crapped out.
I've got the Lobo version of the bubba sitting on my shelf. And when I was a kid I had the radio shack Wild Horse. Neat little chassis.


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Re: New guy here, but not to RC.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2011, 21:07:50 »
I had stripped mine of all the four wheel drive shafts and removed all unnecessary plastic and such. I also had the motor put on a magnet saturator gizmo, which seems too much like a gimic now, but when I was in high school the local hobby shop guy made it sound good for a few bucks. Then I raced it a few times without much succes, but lots of fun.


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Re: New guy here, but not to RC.
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 21:40:58 »
Oh wait, I take that back. I think I had the radio shack "wild pony".
Neat little chassis, but pretty underpowerd from what I remember, and I think the turning radius sucked to IIRC. But other then that I had some good times with it, driving it through swaps and what not.