(In the upper right corner of the map page you should see a "Playing as..." notice.)
Assign each Infantry unit to a General.
Click Move This General next to a General with at least one Infantry unit.
(This will take you back to the map page to select where you want to move.)
Click an adjacent territory to move that Legion (a General and any combat units attached).
Repeat steps 2 - 5 until you have moved all Legions that you desire.
Click Finalize Movement and Battle to claim, or at least attempt to, new territory.
Click Collect Income.
Click Purchase to buy new combat units, ships, and cities.
All new combat units will be placed on your home territory.
Ships will be placed on the home territory but have an associated port that can be chosen.
New cities can be placed on any territory currently controlled by you.
Click Finish.
Comprehensive Instructions:
As a Conquest player, you will start off with one Caesar, 6
Generals, and 4 Infantry units on your starting territory.
Each General (and Caesar) can command one legion. A legion is a
group of combat units and may consist of up to 7
combat units: Infantry, Cavalry, or Artillery (Catapult).
When checking the index page of the Conquest game site, you
should look at the Current Player and Stage of the game. This
will show you up front if you are allowed to play yet and how
close you are to your next turn. You can click on the View Map
button to see the current map of your game. The Game Info link
(in the navigation menu) will take you to more details about
your game; your income, information about your legions, your
captives, maybe even a message from an opposing or allied
player. (If you are in multiple games, the Game Info link will
show you details about the last map that you viewed.)
Even if it is not your turn you may still be able to do some
things in the game. Of course, you can look over the map and see
what your opponents are doing, but you can also assign your
warriors to a General in the same territory. On the game info
page you can also rename your Generals (and Caesar) to put some
of your own flavor into the game and possibly to make it easier
for you to remember which legions are which.
You may also use the in game messaging system to work out
arrangements with other players, such as alliances, ransoms
(for captured Generals), and even bribes.
I'll leave the details of those deals up to you, but I will state
that alliance terms are not binding within the game system.
If a player sets a Ransom value on a General of yours, you have
the option to pay it and that General will immediately be returned
to your home territory. (If you've made a deal with another
player in the game but do not know how to handle it, or are
having trouble with the system, feel free to send a message to
admin@dragonshobbies.com for assistance.)
The game is played in stages. You may not ever go back to a previous stage, but you may refer to your
Game Info and the Map during all stages, by clicking on the link at the top of the page, in order to assist with
your decisions. The game stages are described below.
Generals and Caesar
Loyal leaders of your Roman Legions.
Able to move up to 2 territories on land.
Travel across the sea will the General to "Load" onto a galley (ship).
If the Straits Passage option is turned on, there will be 4 locations where a legion can cross the water without a ship as long no opposing ship is in the nearby sea.
Brittania is connected to Belgica unless an enemy ship is in Oceanus Britannicus.
Baetica is connected to Tingitana unless an enemy ship is in Mare Baliaricum.
Thracia is connected to Asia unless an enemy ship is in Mare Aegaeum.
Neapolis is connected to Sicilia unless an enemy ship is in Mare Epirus.
Generals are required when moving any combat units to another territory.
Generals have no combat value and must bring at least one combat unit along to conquer or claim any
territory - even if the territory has no opposing combat units.
Generals (including Caesar) who are left alone can be captured by enemy troops if they move into the
same territory.
As stated above, a legion may consist of up to 7 units.
You must use multiple Generals to move more units.
Note: Please do not reassign
units in a territory where a battle will take place against enemy troops.
If your troops retreat, they will go back to their original territory, so if
they were reassigned to a general that is retreating to a different territory,
those troops will be lost.
Standard combat units of the Roman Legions.
Move only 1 territory per turn.
Have a combat strength of 5. (Lower numbers are better)
Fastest land moving units of the Roman Legions.
Any cavalry unit that is assigned to a General (or Caesar) is allowed to move up to 2 territories
in a turn, as long as no slower unit is assigned to the same General.
Have a combat strength of 4.
Artillery (Catapults)
Most powerful combat units of the Roman Legions.
Move only 1 territory per turn.
Have a combat strength of 3.
Non-combative transportation units.
Ships that are travelling without any troops can be destroyed by enemy troops if they move into the same territory.
May move up to 2 spaces per turn in the sea.
May enter any sea adjacent to the coast where the ship landed.
Generals (with their legion) may be loaded onto ships for sea movement.
After all movement is complete, in order to claim territory for your empire you must battle. Claiming a territory that has no warriors is easy, but if you have decided to confront an opposing army, take note that your
warriors have different attack strengths. Artillery have the best chance to kill an enemy unit. Since this online
game is representative of a board game, the chance to hit is based on a 6-sided-die roll. (Casualties will be determined randomly.)
Artillery have a combat value of 3, so when your roll is determined for Artillery,
if you roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6, your Artillery will hit the enemy and eliminate one unit.
Note: If the battle is in a territory that has a Fortified City, the defender will instantly have one extra Artillery unit during the battle. At the end of the battle, the artillery unit will again be hidden, so if you are looking at attacking a territory that has one Artillery unit, one Cavalry unit, and one Infantry unit, when you go into the battle, you will need to destroy 4 units to win: those three that you saw before, plus the one extra Artillery unit that was hidden prior to battle.
Cavalry are the second strongest. They will hit on a 4 or
Infantry will hit only on a 5 or 6.
After each of your warriors has made an attack roll, and each of
your opponents warriors has made a counter-attack roll, casualties, and the results of the battle will be
If you have killed all the opposing warriors in the territory, you will capture the opposing general,
and claim the territory (which will increase your income). If the "Hit And Run" option is being used and
you did not successfully kill all of the opposing warriors but you still have warriors alive, you will be forced
to retreat to the territory that you came from. If the "Fight To The Death" option is being used, the
battle will in that territory until one side or the other has been completely eliminated.
If all of your warriors are dead, you have failed your attack and your General will be taken captive. Captive
Generals may be executed during the game or players may decide to keep them around for bargaining. (You
may decide later in the game that your General is worth that ransom that your opponent asked.)
If you lose
your Caesar in a battle, the game is over for you, and the winner of that battle will take over your territory
and army. If you lose your home territory in a battle, you will be unable to claim any income or purchase
anything until you reclaim your home territory.
Claim your Income
After battle is complete you will claim your income, which is paid in the Roman currency of Talents. This will be used for purchasing new
combat units, ships, or cities. You cannot buy more Generals, but you may be able to use your Talents to pay a ransom for a General.
Income is based on which territories you've claimed with your combat units. Territories have
values of 5 or 10 Talents. Once you've claimed a territory, you will continue to collect income
from that territory each turn until another player takes it with their own combat units.
Inflation hits If any player claims more than 100 Talents in a turn; purchasing rates will be doubled for the remainder
of the game. If any player claims more than 200 Talents in a turn, purchasing rates will be tripled for the
remainder of the game.
Purchase Units, Ships, and Cities
Before your turn is done you have the option to purchase new warriors or
or ships. All new units will be placed on your home territory. Although the rates will most likely go up during the
game, starting prices for warriors are as follows:
Infantry - 10 Talents
Cavalry - 25 Talents
Artillery (Catapults) - 40 Talents
Ships (Galleys) - 25 Talents
You may also purchase new cities to place on any territory that you control. A city will give
you an extra 5 Talents of income for each turn that you control the territory. A fortified city will give you a bonus
for defending in battles. City costs are as follows:
City - 30 Talents
Fortified City - 55 Talents
Upgrade previously
built city - 25 Talents
Reminder: As the game progresses, inflation causes the prices to be doubled and even tripled.
After you are done purchasing, please click on the "Finish Turn" button so that the next player can take
his turn right away.
If you have any questions about how to play this game, please post your questions in the
Dragons Hobbies Forum (where everyone
can benefit from the correspondence) and I will try to answer them as soon as I can.