anyone a fan of the edgerunner cars? i just got a new pair should be here tomorrow. i now have 2 pair of 27/49 mhz 9.6v

plus a parts car

these cars are indestructable and fly off road.
so that guy on ebay that has all the oddball preproduction tyco stuff puts up some edgerunner bodies. saw this clear one and had to snatch it up. looks production ready. except its all hand painted and trimmed/applied decals. id like to think its a one of a kind exclusive

i took the wing off because i dont like it. and the rear mounts have been cut off. looks like he was test fitting this body. ill use the wing mounting holes for the new rear mounts.

these are the only rc cars that can deal with the abuse and tactics a dog will use if it likes to play with it. my moms 90lb. lab couldnt break it. my husky would pick it up by the wheels and carry it around. she even rode it with her front paws a time or two. i think if taiyo put a furry body on these and remarketed them as dog toys they wouldnt be able to make them fast enough.