Author Topic: Post your hobby conversions  (Read 17460 times)


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Re: Post your hobby conversions
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2012, 21:53:06 »
Anyone ever run or seen one of those old jrl stock cars with the digital proportional steering and the mechanical speed control? I had one way back when and stock it went 30 mph I'm thinking of getting one off ebay ans putting in hobby stuff and seeing if it can break 50 with a brushless 380 motor and a 3s lipo.
YES! I did!

When I was kid I found them for sale at some department store for super cheap, like 20 bucks or something like that. I thought what the hell I'll give it a shot. Got it home and found out it was almost hobby grade. Yep, it was pretty quick to. Wish I didn't destroy it. Still have the transmitter for it.

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: Post your hobby conversions
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2012, 13:19:34 »
the next cars on the list to be converted are.....

Nikko Scorpion: 11.1v on stock motor, then brushless

9.6v Mutator: will be a pain because ill have to unpress the axles and reinforce the clutches

Im also working on finding a company to machine out gears. I found a place that might be able to do them. If I can get them made at a reasonable cost im goin to have gears made for every car that needs them and maybe have lots of sets made.

More R/C cars than your local hobby shop

Old school is the only way to go


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Re: Post your hobby conversions
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 21:02:20 »
the next cars on the list to be converted are.....Nikko Scorpion:
Radio Shack had a version of the Nikko Scorpion right?
I remember seeing them, but cant remember the radio shack name.