Author Topic: I WISH It Was Just the Bends  (Read 5649 times)


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I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« on: January 04, 2010, 21:27:10 »
So, I just got back from Atlanta.  As always, I had a lot of fun. 

The first few days was spent playing on Jason's new Playstation 3.  He had Katamari Forever.  Very fun, but we mostly played Arkham Asylum, the new Batman game.  This game is really amazing if you are at all a Batman fan.  You get to do just about everything Batman can do, and the environment is pretty open, so you can take as much time as you want whipping batarangs, shooting grapple guns and zip-lines, and taking out bad guys in ever increasingly fun varieties of ways. 

Wednesday evening (30th) I was getting out of Jason's truck and I felt a pain in my stomach, sort of like how your stomach muscles feel the day after doing a few too many sit-ups, so at first, that's what I thought it was.  The next morning, however, when I tried getting up, it was much worse.  It was deeper than muscle pain, and just on the left side.  A little panicked, I woke up Jason and Allen, and they drove me to their nearby doctor's office. 

Turns out I now have Diverticulitis.  That is a weakening of the diverticuli in your digestive track.  That can cause pockets to form in the lining of places like your colon.  Hard to digest foods can use these pockets like hermits use caves, to hide away from the other foods and let their hygiene go, causing all kinds of nasty infections and possibly even holes in your digestive track.  The next thing you know, your pizza is in your lungs and your coughing up anchovies, which your cats may love you for, but will shortly lead to your death.  Seriously though,  it mostly means I have to maintain a higher fiber diet, and avoid things like popcorn and nuts.  Which totally sucks, considering how much I love Fiddle-Faddle.  If I do start hurting, I just need to make sure I get to the doctor to get some antibiotics.  If it gets worse, I may need surgery at some point, but that's not very likely anytime soon.

Anyway, most of the rest of my trip was spent resting on the couch doped up on pain medication, and simultaneously hanging from gargoyles so I could knock out guys wearing clown make-up.  8)

On the last full day, I was feeling better, so we went and had breakfast at Waffle House, caught the matinee showing of Avatar in 3D, and capped out the evening at an awesome sushi place.

Again, apart from my new, life-altering illness, I really had a wonderful time in Atlanta, and if I had to pick a place to get sick, I'm glad it was there, where I had someone who was willing to take care of me for a few days through the worst of it.

Oh, and one of Jason's Christmas presents to me... my own copy of Pandemic  :D
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Re: I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2010, 09:04:03 »
Wow. Aside from your sickness, which I'm very sorry to hear about, I'm glad that you had a good trip!

Pandemic is a great game, and it does seem like one that should eventually be in every gamer's collection. It really seems like a game that could be played with non-gamers too.
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Re: I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2010, 12:10:11 »
I'm truly sorry to hear of your new condition. I would hate having to give up eating almonds and peanuts.
Glad to hear you're okay after it's all said and done. With the exception of it sticking around for maybe multiple appearances.

I would have to agree with Dragon about Pandemic being a non-gamer game. I talked my wife into playing not once, but twice. We were just sitting around New Year's Eve, and I thought what the heck, worst she could say is no. So I asked, and she was 'game'.
The first game we beat ridiculously quickly. I must admit I was so excited about her actually playing a game that i forgot to read the rules on building a research lab. I just built it right where I wanted, though I didn't have the construction role. So, we played again with the correct rules and beat it with 8 cards to spare. I could tell that she had reached her limit, so I didn't ask about another game.
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Re: I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2010, 12:42:33 »
That's pretty cool.  Pandemic is a bit easier with less people, just because one person has more of a chance to get the five cards needed to cure diseases faster.  The only worry is that if it's too easy to beat, she might not see any point of playing after a while.  Good thing the game has harder "settings".

As far as the illness goes, right now it isn't a big deal, and I've resolved to do my best to keep it from ever becoming a big deal.  I simply see it as a warning that I'm getting older and need to start taking better care of myself.  I can't just pile things in like I used to when I was 20.
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Re: I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2010, 17:36:46 »
What impact does this have on anchovy pizza?  That doesn't sound like it's high in fiber!!!  Hopefully you're allowed to cheat every so often.

Glad you hear you had a good time!!  How did you enjoy Avatar?  Or perhaps...I should check the forum before I ask.


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Re: I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 11:01:56 »
All the reading I've been doing seems to indicate that diverticulOSIS is super common... in people over 40. ::)

Most of the time people don't realise they even have it until one of the pockets becomes infected which is what diverticulITIS is.

I've also read from a few sources that the whole seeds and nuts thing has never been proven to cause an infection.  I will however say that my first incident happened a day and a half after eating popcorn.

I don't think that EVERYTHING I eat has to be high in fiber, but I think since pizza is mostly crust, it shouldn't be a problem ;)
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Re: I WISH It Was Just the Bends
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 15:05:36 »
Sorry that you got sick.  That must have been very scary.  It is good that your friends took care of you.  You seem to take care of everyone else all the time.  Aside from being ill, I am glad you had fun in Atlanta.  We enjoy you here so much I am sure your friends there do too.  Thank-you very much for coming for Christmas.  It made the day.   :)
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