pendemic, how bout some pictures of the two fast traxx trucks you got??? i may wanna hound ya bout 1i havent seen the nitro dozers in action, are they very fast?
Absolutely! All my cars see action and take a beating I just wish I had two of each!!! So I could keep one nice
my red ftraxx i bought from pendimic has pretty decent traxx on it. their pretty snugg fitting still but i was thinking of buying some of those replacements just for later, what i really need is a battery cover since the one that came with it was broken but for now tape works!! actually i dont mind it not being perfect cause i dont mind beatin on it in the parking lots and anywhere else i can put it thrue
have you seen the red one on ebay? its a pretty nice lookin bandit, without the box i doubt it will bring what he wants but he does have best offer on it too you never know,maybee able to get a deal
he has a clist ad for it for 260 bucks