Author Topic: bandit gears !!!!  (Read 18690 times)

Tyco Bandit King

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Re: bandit gears !!!!
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2012, 22:30:21 »
I need to pull apart a few different axles and drop the gears off to the guy this week. He says He can probably do them on saturdays but might take a few weekends. If all goes well the first few sets will cost more due to it costing me several hundred for the first set but once i pay them off ill be able to sell gear sets much cheaper. It wont be about making money for me, i just dont wanna be out a ton of money for gears sets. Im gonna make all the different sets I can and we'll see where it goes.
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: bandit gears !!!!
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2013, 13:33:29 »
I found a more reliable guy who is making me wheel adapters for the 1:6 hummer right now to run 2.2 hobby wheels and after I get them in I am sending him tyco and radio shack gears to replicate. He is about positive he can make them and im ready to finally have a set so I can modify a bandit. I will update as soon as the gears are being machined
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Re: bandit gears !!!!
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2013, 07:55:12 »
when you got them let know how much
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Tyco Bandit King

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Re: bandit gears !!!!
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2013, 18:40:36 »
He is making the hubs right now and said they will be done Monday. After I am going to send him bandit gears but I'm tossing up whether to send the differential version or locked.  Locked version is less gears but diff version will be much better for high speed hobby modded cars.

Will most likely send the bandit diff style gears and the wild thing solid style gears. If all goes well I am going to have him make loads of sets. I will test them all on my cars until they are the perfect dimensions before they go up for sale.
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Re: bandit gears !!!!
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2013, 20:37:01 »
tyco bandit king- Did you ever get any gears? I need the hi-lo gear for a Heads up turbo Hoppper. Can you help me?