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Table-top Games / The Castles Of Burgundy
« Last post by Dragon on September 03, 2023, 01:00:38 »
Beth and I played The Castles of Burgundy. It's been a few years since we last played. It was a great game! Very close all along, but even more so in the end. We tied at the end and I only won the tie breaker by having 9 open spaces while Beth had 11.
Table-top Games / Re: Splendor
« Last post by Dragon on September 01, 2023, 23:17:29 »
Tonight we played Splendor. It's one Janai likes, so it's a good one to try to get out when she's considering playing a boardgame. (I originally bought the game for her as a Christmas present in 2016 while we were regularly playing games on the weekends at Serenity Games in Seminole.) Janai's friend, Andy was over so we taught him how to play. He caught onto it well and got a good lead on the points earlier than I did. However, I had been building up my cards to get the nobles and for the last 4 turns of the game, I picked up a noble every time. In the end, I won with 15 points, Andy had 11, and Janai had 3.
General Discussions / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« Last post by Dragon on August 29, 2023, 16:56:54 »
If you have an image that you want to turn into an STL model, try out this online converter:

For example, here's a PNG file for PHSC that I was easily able to have converted to STL.
Table-top Games / Dune: Imperium
« Last post by Dragon on August 27, 2023, 19:45:46 »
Dune: Imperium has become our most played game this year. I got it as a Christmas present last year and we played it 4 times in January alone. Unfortunately, our times of getting it to the table slowed down after that, but we've still played it 9 times this year so far. Isaac and I primarily have played Dune: Imperium as a two-player game, meaning that the House Hagal deck to imitate a 3rd player. Although we have probably made at least one rule interpretation mistake per game, we have been getting better and have still been enjoying the game quite a bit even with some the confusion. Isaac and I have been a pretty even overall too, with Isaac winning 5 of the games and me winning the other 4 that we've played. Of the 9 times we've played, only once was with an actual 3rd human player, and based on that experience, we believe that the House Hagal deck does a nice job filling the void of a 3rd player, effectively disrupting the other players' strategies.

Table-top Games / Re: Dominion
« Last post by Dragon on August 27, 2023, 17:39:38 »
Friday night, Isaac and I played Dominion again with the Alchemy expansion. This time we used the cards from the "Forbidden Arts" set, which includes some about half of the cards in supply from the first Dominion set, along with the Bandit card which was in the second edition of the Dominion set. That confirms that I got an updated version of the Alchemy set since the 2nd edition for the base set wasn't released until after Alchemy originally came out.
Tyco RC / Re: Tyco Eliminator and Super Bandits
« Last post by czstycor/c on August 14, 2023, 11:47:08 »
I have some that will be for sale. they are currently being restored and have a Boxed bandit that might be for sale.  Can we see some of your collection? alway excited to see what people have  ;D
General Discussions / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« Last post by Dragon on August 14, 2023, 11:10:17 »
free positon pencil clip by 86world

I just wanted to be able to attach a pencil to the edge of a notebook, something like a standard clip on an ink pen. This worked perfectly.
Table-top Games / For Sale
« Last post by Dragon on August 12, 2023, 23:22:41 »
For Sale is a great little card game about buying and selling houses, trying to make the most out of each transaction. I've owned this card game for quite a while but we haven't gotten it out to the table for a few years. Tonight Isaac, Grace, and I played the game. It was Grace's first time playing it. She caught onto it pretty well and even managed to get $10K from selling her Cardboard Box home (#1). Once again, Isaac did the best though - he managed to beat me by nearly $20K overall.
Table-top Games / Re: The Settlers Of Catan
« Last post by Dragon on August 12, 2023, 23:18:50 »
Isaac, Beth, and I got The Settlers Of Catan out for the first time this year. It was a good game, with a struggle to get sheep. We were actually using bricks a lot in maritime trades to get our settlements established. We all had pretty even distribution around the island, but in the end Beth was able to get what she needed to get the last settlement she needed and she claimed the Longest Road to win. I had a close second place and was even a contender for the longest road at one point but hadn't realized it.
Table-top Games / Re: Grim Reaper
« Last post by Dragon on August 12, 2023, 23:13:26 »
I played Grim Reaper against Isaac again last week. I thought I had a pretty good start, blocking off one of his births just before one of his dice died near the beginning of the game, but unfortunately, I still couldn't keep ahead of my son. In the end, I was pushed up against one edge and had no way to connect to my dying pieces. Isaac won again.
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