OK GUYS BAD NEWS epic fail i was running the turbo fox to get some video when i hit a bolder with the car ,upon till that point things were great , so after inspecting the car there was a little damage to the rear wing no big deal . so i set of again thinking nothing wrong then i heard the noise of doom gearbox

slipping . opend it up and the teeth have striped of the main gear . so i selected high gear ratio hopeing this would solve the problem . but no still the same seems the gearbox is beyonde repair .

. and so ends the life of the turbo fox . on another note iam going to strip out the hobby grade motor and electronics for hot wheels mini t look a like .so nothing will be waisted . seen in this pic she runs a stock 280 so the losi will fit i will tranplant the servo and hobby grade esc also the reciever thanks ..